Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:11938
Registered on:8/30/2017
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Y'all are a blue blood baseball program. You can do better, as long as you don't hire our coach!...

re: Georgia Fans

Posted by armtackledawg on 5/10/24 at 3:36 pm
They threw away from him for 2 years, and he is a team-first competitor. Said fock off to the prevailing theory and played in the bowl game. He will be a very good player in the NFL....
[quote]but I’m not worried about being audited. Why are you?[/quote] Because it is yet another hassle from our government, who should just GTF out of the way. That's why....

re: BaseVols #1..SoftVols #2

Posted by armtackledawg on 5/6/24 at 12:35 pm
[quote]BigDickRick16[/quote] [quote]DirtyCreekBottoms[/quote] One alter replying to himself....
I probably don't know what I am talking about but I don't know why anyone would have taken CW over Jayden Daniels. Daniels was focking unstoppable last year...
[quote]and he has been on a warpath for universal income.[/quote] We already have this for people who are disabled. Everyone else can go to work or get focked. Worst idea ever....
They had MSNBC on at the gym the other day and they were spending quite a bit of time talking about how many family members have attended the Trump trial :lol: As if it was a slow news day....
"civil servant" - no, you are a government employee....
Look at the fat pig screaming at them. Disgrace...
I think the dude standing next to her might have said STFU biatch...
Kids who don't have a clique are looking for one. As always, they are finding their place at the far left....
This is why I think Freeze will have Auburn back soon. Y'all played the best two teams on your schedule tough until the final seconds...

re: 2025 first round draft picks

Posted by armtackledawg on 4/28/24 at 5:54 am
Carson Beck Mykel Williams Smael Mondon (maybe)...
Atlanta focked them good. Guarantee you they planned on taking Penix in that spot...
[quote]He actually didn't say that.[/quote] He implied it, as have many others. Which leads me to believe it is true....

re: Bowers to Vegas

Posted by armtackledawg on 4/26/24 at 11:31 am
Zeus is there too....
He will make more before the age of 25 than many of us will in our lifetimes. Talent comes in many forms....
[quote]How the hell did you people lose 4 games last year and finish 3rd place in the SEC West this year?[/quote] [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PiVsrM1ttSXnAAU6LAJ84KuX-9s=/0x0:3045x4126/1200x800/filters:focal(1305x1741:1791x2227)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/70217381/usa_tod...