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Location:Florida man
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Registered on:1/22/2007
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re: Neighbor is getting a Divorce

Posted by LSUwag on 5/29/24 at 8:08 pm
That’s great. ...
Good. GTFO of my wonderful state. ...
I’m old enough to remember Colon Powell giving a presentation before the UN Security Council where he convinced the world (except France) that Iraq had Mobil WMD factories making nerve gas and that they were starting a nuclear weapons program. We strongly supported a major invasion that proved...

re: Victoria Nuland in her own words.

Posted by LSUwag on 3/24/24 at 9:55 am
A terrorist attack in a Moscow concert hall would certainly fit the definition of asymmetric warfare. ...
This blue eyed white devil would have kicked his arse....
I’m a lifelong Republican. Started out with Reagan. Voted for the old man Bush and regretted it. He screwed us in Iraq and raised taxes. I voted for Bill Clinton to get Bush out. Voted against Clinton in his second term. I held my nose and voted for W twice knowing I cast my ballot for ...
Today I voted for Donald J Trump in the Florida primary. It’s the fifth time I’ve voted for him. I’ll take it to my grave that Trump is exactly what this country needs. ...
Pathetic losers. Man the frick up and make something out of yourselves. ...
About. Year ago Biden auctioned off all the wall steel materials for practically nothing. It’s all gone and destroyed. Resumption would require it all to be remanufactured which would take a long time. ...

re: Where were you in 1984?

Posted by LSUwag on 2/29/24 at 9:05 pm
1984 was my Freshman year at LSU. :geauxtigers:...
[quote]In just a few years, the average retiree will be receiving 37% more in SS than he paid in by SlowFlowProquote:I’ve been gainfully employed continuously since 1983. I’ve never been unemployed. I’ve paid in an absolute fortune during my lifetime. If I had been able to invest that money in an in...
I’ve been gainfully employed continuously since 1983. I’ve never been unemployed. I’ve paid in an absolute fortune during my lifetime. If I had been able to invest that money in an index fund that mirrored the S&P 500, I’d be an incredibly wealthy man right now. I followed the rules and made my...
Politically, Tulsi is pretty much the same as Trump. Both were once Democrats who realized that that party are a bunch of radical leftists and they aren’t welcome at that table anymore. She’s very aligned with Trump on foreign policy and use of our military (or non-use I should say). She wou...
I see no way we can continue to exist as a unified country as it stands now. The election will be either stolen or Trump prevented from running all together. Our side needs to stop trying to get along with the communists. We need to be just like them but worse. Hold them accountable to th...
Fani WillisI wearing her dress backwards was absolutely glorious. ...
Yet another illustration of how profoundly broken our justice system is. ...
BS It’s just a political ploy to trick people into thinking he changed policy. Nothing this clown does is honest. ...
I don’t want him to make an affirmative action VP selection. I want a legitimate VP who will carry the MAGA torch in the next election. ...
It’s interesting that Oakland used to be quite the ghetto and it was gentrified as a result of the economic tech boom in San Francisco. Now it’s reverting back to being the ghetto it once was. This is a great lesson (and warning) to those who are considering buying into a gentrified area. Th...