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Location:Zachary, LA
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Registered on:1/30/2007
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The Dark Knight bank robbery scene Snatch diamond heist...

re: Worst modern President

Posted by teke184 on 5/5/24 at 10:11 pm
Depends where “modern” starts. Post-WWII, LBJ, Carter, Obama, and Biden are all up there for various reasons....
There are a bunch that normally get covered but one that tends to be forgotten is Tugg accidentally killing a panda. Not funny in its own but his agent, when told, thinks it was a hooker instead and starts giving instructions on how to dispose of the body. IIRC, the quote was “you’re going to ne...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by teke184 on 5/5/24 at 7:49 pm
There was a Full Metal Jacket parody on In Living Color that played with this. The DI was asking recruits how they would handle being chained to a wall in Baghdad and whipped by a guy in a leather mask named Abdullah. One recruit said that used to be his job at a bar in San Francisco....
“Today, we’re gonna teach trannies how to fly!” “Sometimes it takes a while for them to get it right…”...

re: You know how a Democrat is lying

Posted by teke184 on 5/5/24 at 6:22 pm
It means they want these people here legally while still flooding the country....

re: You know how a Democrat is lying

Posted by teke184 on 5/5/24 at 6:20 pm
Their lips are moving. Which means something different when said about Hakeem Jeffries and when you talk about someone like Rachel Maddow....
TBH, a lot of those things can be found by one stop shopping in certain big cities....
Check your contract. I wanted to dump my realtor and replace her after she pissed me off but I read my contract and found that she had the rights to list the house for a year because I had signed a contract with her. I eventually sold the house at roughly the price I wanted to but I’m still ...
LSU chapter got tossed at least 2-3 times. The one at my school got suspended over an investigation after allegations of a gang rape. Turned out that the “victim” had consensually screwed five members of the chapter then changed her story when called before her sorority’s standards board to expl...
Kappa Sig has been banned from pretty much every campus I am aware of yet they keep getting reinstated....

re: Praise for Mao Zedong

Posted by teke184 on 5/5/24 at 4:49 pm
These are the kinds of people who would have been killed during the Cultural Revolution....
I think EBR Council On Aging went higher than that on their bid to provide juvenile offenders’ meals. WHY an organization which is supposed tk be serving the elderly is bidding on juvenile offender contracts is another matter....
What is Atlanta’s timeline? I’d want Ogonkwu but if they still think they are competing, I doubt they go forward with Capela and Nance as their bigs....
“Jews” in this country tends to mean “far leftists of Jewish extraction” as opposed to “religiously practicing Jews.” Hence the divide. Evangelicals like Israel and despise NYC and LA....
Ok then… assemble the kill-dozers to flatten the problem buildings....
[quote]I had to take care of a Grandmother who had dementia. I don't get a kick out of mocking him for that. I just don't. and I can't stand him.[/quote] Much like Michelle Obama pushed as being one of the Maxim Top 100, Biden gets shite for being portrayed as a functioning president who is mor...
[quote]That’s definitely a Code Brown.[/quote] The staff wants the WH press to keep that on the brown low?...
This sounds like a parody of the old thrillers from 40+ years ago. [img]https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780340105269-es.jpg[/img]...