Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:984
Registered on:4/25/2018
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[quote]Perhaps if qualified immunity were limited or done away with entirely, then the current police culture could change.[/quote] yeah, every arrestee would be able to personally sue every cop involved in their arrest, no matter the circumstances. Nobody would be able to afford to be a cop with...
[quote]What’s making all these bears freak out?[/quote] 5G...

re: Arik Gilbert to UGA

Posted by The Melt on 6/1/21 at 3:06 pm
I would say the fools sucking his privileged toes feel like fools now but they didn't after round one, round two, or the knockout round. All hail entitled, headcase 18-year-olds!!! Let's move forward with the players that have their heads screwed on semi-straight, want to be here, want to compet...
So does this mean we buy MUDS and screw the short-sellers?!?!?!!?! GIT EM!!!! :lol:...
[quote]The police union is the reason why marijuana bill failed[/quote] That would be the Sheriff's Association. I think you are confusing local police unions with northern police unions who actually have pull. These guys pay their $50 a year for the conference and the leaders have somewhat of a ...
[quote]Nope. I’ve seen at least 4 guys die of excited delirium in my career while I’ve treated them. I’m not a cop.[/quote] Anybody reasonably defending a cop is a “cop” according to these idiots. Right, left, white, black, pro-cop, anti-cop. Even though the poster has seen things these fools hav...
Racism caused those kids to take up a life of receiving involuntary, unexpected donations. Only white supremacists want them arrested. They were also, most likely, victims of presumptive genderization. These kids are victims, not criminals. #StopTransHate #BlackLivesMatter...

re: Who is #2 WR by year end?

Posted by The Melt on 5/25/21 at 9:26 am
[quote]Why do you think they are forcing anything? Bech is already about 6'2 220, he can easily play some FLEX TE on this level and be a huge receiving threat from that spot. It might also be his fastest way for playing time which I'm sure he wouldn't be mad at. You act like we're stacked at TE or s...
OT 10 ETA: And I just noticed you can't "like" a stickied mod post. This would probably have over 600 likes....
[quote]i’m vaxed and prefer to be in the packed dome screaming my lungs out without the people who could be dying from Covid around me.[/quote] Odds are, even if they aren’t vaccinated, they won’t have COVID and if they did have COVID, they wouldn’t be dying from it. The stats are very clear. Why...

re: My daughter is liberal leaning

Posted by The Melt on 5/21/21 at 10:16 am
[quote]Have you never interacted with regular black people before? It's literally an everyday occurrence.[/quote] Actually, for much of the country and most of Europe, this isn’t true. ...
[quote]How do you feel about the cops lying on the report and to the family?[/quote] I know nothing about that. I'm just going off the videos in the article. They shouldn't have lied if they did. The cover-up is always worse than the crime. ...
I think the first few shots were probably justified but they should have laid off as he drove away unless they thought someone was caught under the car. ...
Either these videos are spliced together horribly or I'm missing something because I went through three videos and didn't see one punch. I see Greene refusing to get out of the car then when he is on the ground curling into a ball on his knees instead of laying flat then refusing to put his hands be...
I mean, there was literally peace for four years.. pretty constructive to me....

re: Major Burns to LSU? Edit: YES

Posted by The Melt on 5/18/21 at 12:16 pm
Where does he fit in? 2nd string safety?...
Serious question, how can Alabama take another transfer?...

re: Reporting from Seattle

Posted by The Melt on 5/18/21 at 8:54 am
[quote]Seattle[/quote] I couldn't do it. Props to you, man...or woman...or whatever you identify as....
He just needs a third chance......