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Location:Home of the World Champs 'Stros
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Registered on:6/21/2018
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I know there's another thread on London statues. But, I wanted to draw special attention to the Rhodes statue at Oxford. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/cecil-rhodes-statue-black-lives-matter-protest-oxford-university-a9555611.html Rhodes was an idol of Adolf Hitler's. Hi...
[link=(https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8397019/Police-injured-missiles-London-Black-Lives-Matter-rally.html)]Daily mail[/link]...
There is zero chance there are butts in stadiums in September....
No honestly. Black twitter is actively hunting for the next Karen. No one is safe from the social media takeover...
It's black Twitter not Obama. Stop black twitter/Facebook live and none of this happens...
https://twitter.com/HenryVlII/status/1269704057972801538 [link=(https://twitter.com/HenryVlII/status/1269704057972801538)]LINK[/link] I mean what the hell. I can't ever see that happening in the US....
I suspect many will self-deport. Until the economy revs back up again....
The fantasy dweebs may actually have to function(speak/talk/interact) like normal humans now....
Trump performed a miracle. China undid the miracle. It will take a miracle to get back....
Overpaid barbarians. Good riddance....
Coronavirus has knocked out blacks in the more ways that one. Millions and millions of unskilled labor Hispanics are out of a job also. [quote] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8388947/Hispanic-unemployment-rate-exceeds-black-people-time-ever.html [/quote] ...
Comrade DeBlasio should be deported back to his ancestral roots: SIBERIA...
After the hilarious calamity of polling in 2016, pollsters have ZERO credibility this year. ...
Whatever she was pelted with, she is lucky not to be blind right now. ...
Dude, she's in a damn dress. She would have worn something else if she were in for a long night of f shite up. ...
https://twitter.com/KevinRKrause/status/1266898396339675137 [link=(https://twitter.com/KevinRKrause/status/1266898396339675137)]LINK[/link] This chick is not dressed to protest lmao. What is dallas PD doing? ...

NYPD rams SUV into protestors

Posted by IronmanHTX on 5/30/20 at 8:33 pm
https://twitter.com/rob_bennett/status/1266894785375240193 What the hell is the NYPD doing? This is just fanning the flames. This isn't China. Come on. This has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican. They are turning this into the Gaza Strip...
[quote]And so candidates will have to go to graduate school, to prove themselves. Because college is now just a meaningless participation trophy.[/quote] They'll never eliminate the MCAT, GRE, LSAT,GMAT at least...
What's with all the decisions against Asian-American students? Lots of racism against them these days...