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Registered on:6/7/2007
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re: I have a poor person question

Posted by Sheep on 5/2/24 at 6:54 am
If it's the meal that excites me the most on the menu, I usually don't ask. If it's just competition for what I might order, I'll ask. Usually in the "What is the catch of the day? And how is it prepared? And how much?" sort of way. (Caveat: not poor)...

re: Bucks Trade Idea From a Bucks Fan

Posted by Sheep on 5/1/24 at 2:26 pm
[quote]You’re getting two players that are better than the players you’re sending out, which is why on paper it looks good.[/quote] [quote]Middleton[/quote] [quote]good[/quote] *rubs eyes* What year is it?...
[quote]He's finally taking his health and weight more seriously.[/quote] Bless your heart...

re: Stones at JazzFest — Crowd Control

Posted by Sheep on 4/29/24 at 5:44 pm
[quote]what do you mean by "crowd control"? its a festival...are you expecting ushers? [/quote] In the past few years, they had dedicated walkways at Acura through the crowd. All of that was gone on Saturday. They also had pinch points at the track "bridge" that weren't there before. I'm ma...
[quote]At this point in your life, do you feel like you made your parents proud?[/quote] Yes - my pops didn't live long enough to see it, he died when I was in my early 20s. Had he lived as long as my mom did, I likely never would have achieved half of what I have....

re: Why is New Orleans NOT a sports town?

Posted by Sheep on 4/28/24 at 8:14 am
[quote]Why is New Orleans NOT a sports town?[/quote] This is a troll-arse question, BUT forcing people to deal with Cox or AT&T if they want to watch the Pelicans on TV isn't helping the matter....

re: Denver/Golden Recs

Posted by Sheep on 4/27/24 at 8:44 am
[quote]Since they suck, wait until after first pitch and scalp tickets.[/quote] Last time I went (8ish years ago), they also sucked (surprise!) - I think we paid $30ish dollars for club seats :lol:...

re: Vacation ideas with a ten month old

Posted by Sheep on 4/25/24 at 3:53 pm
[quote]Why fly with a 10 month old. Just going to piss off of the surrounding people and you won’t enjoy it all[/quote] My kid has flown with us since she was about that age (9yo now). In dozens of flights, she had exactly ONE bad time - and it was from Portland, ME to Boston (so, barely an hour....
[quote]Be sure to pay for the ticket insurance in case you can’t make it[/quote] What? Just resell the tickets. TM makes that easy ...

re: Go Woke Go Broke, Dixie Beer Edition

Posted by Sheep on 4/24/24 at 10:29 pm
[quote]it's also what anyone with half a brain can CLEARLY see is exactly what happened[/quote] You didn't read the article about the merger/buyout, did you? :lol:...

re: How warm is Espadas seat?

Posted by Sheep on 4/24/24 at 1:48 pm
Mmmmm.... Warm empanadas...

re: Go Woke Go Broke, Dixie Beer Edition

Posted by Sheep on 4/24/24 at 10:23 am
[quote]Fast forward 10 years and you just see a mosaic wall of a hundred different brands and types, and quickly scan for the handful that you recognize. So IMO market oversaturation is a factor.[/quote] And the free money spigot of low interest loans has been turned off. A lot of breweries w...

re: Go Woke Go Broke, Dixie Beer Edition

Posted by Sheep on 4/24/24 at 9:03 am
[quote]They just made a bunch of poor business decisions.[/quote] While I understand the Go Woke, Go Broke hurr durrs are running wild, it's worth reading the article linked on the first page. It's a tale much older than Go Woke, Go Broke, it's the old private equity pump and dump scheme....
I seen't Aerosmith there. That was PEAK 90s Aerosmith. I half expected Alicia Silverstone and Liv Tyler to come out on stage. No mention of "The Greatest Show on Earth"? I think it was: Live Hootie Better Than Ezra Cowboy Mouth (A VERY early) 3 Doors Down...
From Backspacer on - it usually took me a while to warm up to the new albums, and usually it was hearing the songs live that finally got me up to speed. I liked this one from the jump, and heard songs that I could instantly tell were going to be bangers live. Can't wait for the Wrigley Shows....
[quote]Once again, Louisiana is championing nothing causes that move them closer to 1950 than 2050.[/quote] New here? :lol:...
[quote]Gas station road maps were great. I often enjoyed them more than the trip itself.[/quote] What a fricking nerd. Me too. I have a world atlas on my coffee table and will crack that dude open from time to time and just browse....

re: Expired insurance card

Posted by Sheep on 4/18/24 at 5:27 am
[quote]Any reputable police agency would do this, but the ones with a budget dependent on fines and fees would be the one to tow and seize the car for going one mile per hour over the limit.[/quote] And this is why I still have a paper insurance card in my car. If I get pulled over in Pickle F...
[quote]Not so much for the political aspect, but what do you think about the state giving grants to cover private school tuition.[/quote] If there's one thing I've learned, it's that direct government subsidies to private industry always works out best for taxpayers and consumers and never turns ...