Favorite team:Tulane 
Number of Posts:217
Registered on:4/22/2019
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[quote]This is bullshite. Every time I was called, when someone who had been summoned got called up for questioning and was not there the judge would issue a warrant for their arres[/quote] How can they prove I received the summons? I get other people's mail all the time. I haven't gone at least ...
I don't know. It was delivered about 11:00 am on Wed 4/17 and the crew got here about 12:30. The sod was golden. The guy told me it wasn't greened up yet, but that if would . It's greening up lightly here and there, but still goldeny. It's not dried out though. I guess I'll give it some more tim...
The sod was yellow when they installed it on 4/17. The installers said Bermuda hasn't really greened up yet. I've been watering early morning and early afternoon. I check the soil under the sod and it's moist, but not wet. Should I be watering more? I didn't water at all yesterday since it s...
That's what I thought. I'll limit to twice a day. I'm going to get sprinkler gauges this weekend to see how much is being put down in a cycle too. ...
[quote]Everything's gonna be ok. You've got alpha grass now [/quote] LOL, I hope so. St Aug was a PIA in Dallas...
[quote]I would water all at once in the morning. [/quote] I'm just concerned once a day watering won't keep it moist for 24 hrs. I'm at work now, but will test it out this weekend by checking under a square of sod...
[quote]Most of them inherited their land or bought it from a family member for a lower cost. You would probably have to spend at least 500k-million on a large enough track land that has access to water and highways.[/quote] My cousins inherited from family. Has been in family for generations. L...
[quote]ust want to keep the sod wet. Watering once a day for about 30 minutes should be plenty based on current temps. Watering more than once a day is usually the protocol for July/August when we are 105 with blue bird skies for multiple days in a row.[/quote] The Bermuda was put in today. The c...
[quote]Water the new sod every morning for the first two weeks. After that about every other day for the next week or so.[/quote] Will do. How long should I water? 30 mins? And is once a day ok? I've been reading stuff all over the place like 5 & 6 times a day, even in the evenings, but you're...
I'm finally having Tiftuf Bermuda installed in my backyard this week. I don't have an irrigation system, but do have 3 Rainbird 5004 sprinkler heads on spikes placed along my patio aimed at the rectangular shaped yard. One is in West corner, one is in the middle, and one is in the East corner....
[quote]That’s sounds too expensive. It’s kind of a fun activity for kids if you have family around[/quote] Kids? The way some people made it sound like backbreaking work had me scared to try doing 3 pallets on my own. I'm over 50. I do have a Gorilla cart. Maybe I'll try it myself?...
[quote]you don’t think you’re up for it physically, just hire it out. That’s not a huge area, but you should know your body well enough to make a decision.[/quote] I've contacted some landscaping companies and they're quoting about $2100 for sod install. Even with most of the work done. That do...
Got my lawn mostly down to dirt. There are still some dead runners/roots visible, but I am going to be spreading 2 yds of premium soil(a mix of sandy loam and compost), so hopefully that'll be good enough? My wife does have me rethinking laying the sod by myself though. She says a roll can weig...
I'm in Dallas, which can go all summer without rain and 100+ temps. We have water restrictions and water is expensive here. Bill could easily be $200+ a month in summer. I want drought tolerant and Bermuda was recommended. I'm open to other types of grass if they use less water and are easy t...
[quote]If you’re going to go with such a high quality sod I would go ahead and it right. Get the power rake of sod cutter and clear ever out.[/quote] Having a hard time finding TifTuf bermuda in stock right now. I've got the power rake reserved for this Saturday. How long can the yard go fr...
Thanks for the great replies. I really appreciate it. Can I scalp the lawn this weekend or should I wait until everything is truly dead? It's mostly all yellow now, so it's dying. Will the compaction of my soil be a problem? It's very compacted. Thanks again!...
Figured I'd start a new thread since I have many questions. You've convinced me to try this myself. I'm getting Tif Tuf Bermuda btw. Right now the yard is dying. I applied glyphosate last Monday 3/11. Everything is yellowing nicely. 1. When do I scalp the dead weeds and grass? Do I wait u...
[quote]100% do it myself. It would take 3-4 hours[/quote] You've convinced me to do this myself, plus I can save $3k.i do have questions about the process, but it's lengthy. So I'll start a new post. ...
[quote]Did your price include the sod as well?[/quote] Yes, includes sod as well...