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re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Stitches on 6/2/24 at 1:44 pm
[quote]the Rapture[/quote] Is a doctrine that was unheard of until the mid-1800s when an Anglican named John Nelson Darby made it up. ...

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Stitches on 6/2/24 at 1:43 pm
God anointed an end-times prophet that has to copy and paste responses to me from internet blogs? [link=(https://superiorword.org/revelation-11-7/)]False Prophet [/link]...

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Stitches on 6/2/24 at 1:39 pm
[quote]Revelation 11:7 refers to the End-Times. OUR TIME.[/quote] "The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must [b]soon[/b] take place." - Revelation 1:1 Soon does not equal 2000+ years later. [quote]You're clearly not a Bible scholar [/quote] No, ...

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Stitches on 6/2/24 at 10:40 am
[quote]Revelation 11:7[/quote] Referred to Nero, and was fulfilled with the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 AD....

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Stitches on 6/2/24 at 9:50 am
[quote]He did ordain SHINE LITTLE LIGHT (a true testimony about Him) for this generation today.[/quote] So, we have ongoing divinely inspired public revelation today? ...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by Stitches on 5/30/24 at 7:01 am
[quote]Then I would call you a Preterist[/quote] Partial-preterist is the de facto historic position of Christianity on eschatology. The rapture doctrine is a product of dispensationalism being created in the mid-1800s by John Nelson Darby. ...
[quote]The Church that Jesus established didn't have a single Pope in Rome because the Church hadn't spread to Rome[/quote] Nobody made this argument. We Catholics assert that Peter was made the vicar of Christ when Jesus gave him the keys, alluding to the steward of the Davidic kingdom having th...
[quote]The original church, Orthodoxy[/quote] Which one? They're full-blown denominational now....
[quote]Saying your church is infallible[/quote] *when creating binding dogmas/doctrines on matters of faith and morals. The individual members of the church are not infallible. For example: [quote]Selling salvation Protecting pedophiles Murder Adultery Theft[/quote] Are not things t...
[quote]At the young age of 13, Prophet Jonathan Nettles was visited by God three times. He was anointed as an End-Time prophet.[/quote] "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves" -Matthew 7:15 Also, you accidentally posted this from one ...
[quote]There weren't any other churches (denominations) that had formed that anyone could join,[/quote] An admission that Catholicism was first, and therefore, the church that Jesus established and granted infallibility and indefectability. [quote]In addition, Catholicism for many centuries d...
[quote]The Presbyterian denomination I’m a member of[/quote] This is my point. At one moment in time, there were no denominations within denominations. One was either (as far as Protestants go) Lutheran, Anglican, or Presbyterian. Then, as each man became his own arbiter of truth and came up with...
[quote]queers have never been openly ordained in the catholic church like they have been in the northern baptist, episcopal, presbyterian, lutheran, and i guess now methodist.[/quote] You could've just said "like they have been in every single Protestant denomination". Over-generalizations are ac...
Pretty sure he was the first person from the PCA to convert to Catholicism. ...
[quote]You're the one assuming that being made in God's image means that humans have to be made without the capacity to sin, as God.[/quote] I stopped reading here. This is not what I've been arguing, and proves my point from earlier; you incorrectly assume that we are either Calvinists or Pelagi...
[quote]The biblical teaching is that God created man with the capacity for evil[/quote] If forced to be consistent, this means God has the capacity for evil, since we are made in the image of God. At the very least, it means God created evil. This is something you're reading into scripture in...
It's almost like you didn't read anything I typed, and then decided to oversimplify/redefine what total depravity is in an attempt to make it comport with your eisegetical reading of Romans. Total Depravity, in its classical form, is that every sin is mortal, and due to concupiscence, mankind is ...
Romans 3:10-12 being quoted here does not teach that every individual person is fundamentally evil, aka, the Calvinist doctrine of Total Depravity. This passage actually starts in verse 9, where Paul states the following: "What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all; for I have alre...

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Stitches on 5/22/24 at 9:25 pm
At least 3, maybe 4. Its kind of ridiculous tbh. ...
[quote]The Bible provides qualifications for Deacons and Elders. Curious where the qualifications for Monks are to be found.[/quote] In the Old Testament there was an entire order of men and women, known as Nazirites (“consecrated ones”), who were were essentially monks and nuns. Numbers 6:2-...