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Registered on:5/31/2020
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[quote]the state's voter rolls to be purged of "non-citizens"[/quote] This should happen everywhere. Until that happens we have state sanctioned fraud in our elections. I’ve seen it myself in working on California’s voter rolls. It is stunning how poorly kept these things are. I can only come to ...
I’m pro-life and am perfectly fine with assisted suicide. I watched my Dad go through ALS. Not that he would’ve done it, but I would have absolutely agreed with him if he decided that were an option to choose....

re: "So I Raped You"!

Posted by Figgy on 5/14/24 at 6:06 pm
That dude's a-hole is in serious trouble. 6' 1" and 155lbs. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZnFnNXNxNXIwa2RiMXFnejU0M3pzaWR3ZDNmY2YxaThxaWxlYTMwNyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/eJuqzlazCfgFu7TpFy/giphy.gif[/img]...
“Find him guilty or you and your families are going to die by mysterious circumstances. Have a great day! Thanks!”...
[quote]James Woods for Press Secretary.[/quote] Oh man, that would be awesome television....
It only years for him to come to this conclusion. These are our best and brightest, folks....
[quote]They are alleging nationwide influence in the election but he isn’t being prosecuted federally.[/quote] Until someone stops them I don't blame them for continuing to go scorched earth. By Any Means Necessary is their motto for a reason. These people play for keeps. Fairness has nothing to ...
[quote]The average Mexican citizen would welcome taking out these scum bags who are preying on their children and destroying their way of life. [/quote] They’d flee here, make no mistake about it. They already do and there isn’t an active shooting war between our military and their country. I’d l...
[quote]There is no way you can say that you are MAGA and not want the cartels destroyed.[/quote] That’s BS and you know it. You can’t be MAGA while playing world police with a country on our border that will create 10s of millions of refugees we will be legally obligated to keep, feed, clothe,...
[quote]It will cost a lot to ship these ILLEGALS ALIENS out.[/quote] We will have to let millions upon millions in as refugees. There is a cost related to that and they get to stay here indefinitely whole the War on Drugs is prosecuted. [quote]GTFO with refugees commie.[/quote] I’m not a co...
[quote]Maybe you need to be looked into from how you really do not care. Maybe, you are a big part of the problem.[/quote] Found the fatty lacking in self control....
[quote]You actually can do something about it. It takes a leader that is not bought.[/quote] The President is changing people's behaviors That's up to the individual to do. As long as there is choice there will be a market for drugs because people like doing them. We have millions and millions of...
[quote]It will cost very little to take the cartels down.[/quote] The cartels are Mexico. Don't you understand that? Good grief. So about the refugee crisis you've made. How much is that going to cost? [quote]You are part of the problem.[/quote] Wrong. I don't do drugs. [quote]The majori...
1996 Clinton / Dole Dole got the vote. [quote]We hear, “This is the most important election of our lifetime,” every 4 years, and it usually seems like hyperbole. But it feels like an accurate statement in 2024.[/quote] That's actually true this go around. We either slide further into a prog...
[quote]When you kill one and another shows up. You kill it too. Eventually they quit “springing up”. Trust the common sense and it will set you free.[/quote] :lol: no just no. You'll have a refugee crisis the likes of which we've never seen and it will actually have standing. The refugees will b...
[quote]This is not about cocaine and weed[/quote] I understand that and never implied otherwise. [quote]this is more about destroying fentanyl which is thousands of time more deadly[/quote] I get that is what’s being used to justify this. But it’s a horrible idea. I empathize with anyone th...
[quote]Most everyone else said it was insane.[/quote] I remember. Most everyone is correct in saying it is insane, because it is. You attack the cartels directly we will lose a bunch of service members (acting as the world’s police), 1000s of innocents will die, and then we get the reprisal attac...
What could possibly happen if we declare war on the cartels??? Apparently nothing on our soil in this bizarre fantasyland. We certainly wouldn't suffer another Black Hawk Down either. People need to understand that the cartels aren't going anywhere and we're to blame for it because this countr...
[quote]Is the water warm enough? Yes, Lisa.[/quote] Shall we begin?...