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re: LSU now owning dorks on campus

Posted by Wildcat1996 on 5/3/24 at 3:45 pm
[quote]Professors at LSU are telling everyone fraternities are only doing it for money.[/quote] It is pretty amazing what people will tell themselves when reality fails to to meet expectations. Are they referencing the GoFundMe thing at UNC? Very little of that money is going to those frat ...

re: Well done Ole Miss!

Posted by Wildcat1996 on 5/3/24 at 11:36 am
I'll be sure to share the essay on "white nationalism" that will most certainly be published in the The Chronicle of Higher Ed. I know it is coming....
Good Lord. We care so much about the suffering in Gaza at the hands of the dirty Jews that we destroyed part of campus, just don't let it hurt my GPA? ...
[link=(https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-india-japan-china-russia-immigration-economy-74a50301fac4f48fd5e5a4cc9b1bb3ff)]AP News[/link] [quote]WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has called Japan and India “xenophobic” countries that do not welcome immigrants, lumping the two with adversaries...
[quote]just to take hostages, but a number of regular citizens broke through and are the ones who went apeshite. [/quote] A couple of things here: 1) rationalizing that grabbing some hostages as opposed to a killing spree, constitutes a legitimate action is nonsense. 2) if Hamas opened the...
With great success comes great responsibility. These gentlemen need to throw a party and celebrate the way donors intended, but they also need to find some noble uses for the excess. I'm sure they will not disappoint. :cheers:...
[img]https://i1.wp.com/noblesseoblige.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/baghdadbob.gif[/img] You have to give the ME credit for their complete commitment to setting the narrative despite the evidence. It reminds me of that old Shaggy tune... [embed]https://youtu.be/2g5Hz17C4is[/embed]...
Member when CNN was running gleeful stories about how much the stock was tanking and all the money the short sellers were making? :lol:...
Forgive me for thinking your repeated apologies to the Commies are somewhat less than sincere. :lol: ETA: thanks for the downvote, Commie! :lol:...
In fairness, they are better outfitted with tactical gear than their "brothers" in Gaza. [img]https://www.reuters.com/resizer/v2/https%3A%2F%2Farchive-images.prod.global.a201836.reutersmedia.net%2F2015%2F07%2F21%2FLYNXNPEB6K0FK.JPG?auth=f10d101694851433fdeba8d8687316c4d6a20dd4286855d0a8319e0fe0da...
[quote]betting isn’t legal [/quote] [img]https://files.bavatuesdays.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/knight_golf.gif[/img] ...
[quote]kill any fund raisers that went to events that were labeled by some to be conservative events.[/quote] I appreciate your reply. What happens to the money if they "kill it"? I presume they can't simply confiscate it on a whim; is it returned to the donors? If so, do they retain their fee...
How could they possibly be offended? Inviting them to their holy place should be an honor. :lol:...
[quote]risk what they already have.[/quote] I am largely ignorant of GFM practices. What is the risk here?...
There was a protest at UK yesterday. Insert "dozens of us" gif. It was a big meh and most everyone ignored them, except the local rag posing as a newspaper. I expect the same in Oxford. ...
The notion that the Trumpers and Bush Republicans can't coexist is crappola. You sure as he'll have more in common than the leftist progressives that now control the Dem party. ...
Who in the world do they think is going to supply them? And even I'd they raise some money, someone has to deal with the logistics of getting stuff to them. I can't imagine the local PD allowing that. ...
That is flipping perfect! :lol: Edited to giggle at the butthurt downvote. Just sad. ...