Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:464
Registered on:8/5/2020
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[quote]CEO's are rarely held accountable for their actual performance.[/quote] Like choosing to turn a blind eye to manipulated financials for the past several years because it makes them, and the stock prices, look good....
[quote]aP vaccination induces a suboptimal immune response that is unable to prevent infection. These data provide a plausible explanation for pertussis resurgence[/quote] [link=(https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1314688110#:~:text=Baboons%20vaccinated%20with%20aP%20were,pertussis%20to%20u...
[quote]If we vaccinated are also getting sick, we got a bigger problem.[/quote] But do you really? [quote]Most whooping cough symptoms can be managed at home, according to the CDC.[/quote]...
[quote]whooping cough cases are on the rise globally [b]but that the number of cases in 2024 is similar to those before the COVID-19 pandemic.[/b][/quote] What they left out: the acellular pertussis vaccine is garbage and doesn't stop transmission of whooping cough and the virus still readily cir...
[quote]It’s the large groups where they embolden each other[/quote] Well yeah, they go all psychotic rage when they aren't afraid of getting their arse whooped. I won't use pronouns other than the ones God intended for that person. I'm not bending over backwards and negating my own beliefs to "sho...

re: Lawn weed identification

Posted by OGM on 4/19/24 at 1:54 pm
For whatever reason, I had a lot of this stuff at my last house. The best way to get rid of it was pull it up. Luckily it pulls up easily and is easy to spot. Once I pulled it all up I didn't see any again for many months; it may have even been a full year later and was very few....

re: How bad is this migrant crisis?

Posted by OGM on 4/11/24 at 2:16 pm
[quote]in Lafayette[/quote]The beggars at Louisiana Ave went from being the occasional white dude at the turn by Chicfila, to brown people on every damn corner. Been noticing a lot more women and children begging at intersections too....
Government funds the projects. Projects dictate what contract requirements are. Contractor doesn't have any say in contract terms when it comes to gov't projects. Nor do they really care as long as they get paid. Should be a nice lil change order to throw up these signs though. ...
[quote]Voted for Wags. I am convinced that Landry is Jindal without being nearly as smart.[/quote] Wags was chief of staff for the Jindal campaign & administration, and you're not worried he's Jindal Jr?...
I just don't see this happening. Big corporations are still pushing hard for "return to office" and countless articles are being published discounting the productivity of remote employees. You can't have both butts-in-seats and lockdowns....
[quote]engaging in a sex act with a prostitute,[/quote] is very different from [quote]a woman[/quote][quote] tried to get into his truck[/quote][quote]when law enforcement "just pulled up right on me."[/quote]...
I didn't see that picture at all. This is what they have for Georgia [img]https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/9ha_1sI_7eTO1hJsfP_eBA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTIwNDg7aD0yMDQ4O2NmPXdlYnA-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/buzzfeed_articles_778/c4e12885c1114bde55d6994e25fe4b0b[/img]...

re: When can we bring the Harlem Shake back?

Posted by OGM on 6/21/23 at 6:37 am
Obligatory [link=(https://youtu.be/-9qXjbvT-S8)]LSU Harlem Shake[/link]. Most fun I’ve had on campus aside from game day....

re: This graph shows WHY Bud went woke

Posted by OGM on 5/26/23 at 7:04 am
Wow. It’s like when the government shut down all the bars it hit AB pretty hard. Who could have possibly predicted that! Further embracing the woke is a completely logical business move :rolleyes: Let ‘em burn. ...
How long until we see the impact on the market and the economy? What do you think it’s going to look like? Just a millennial asking for advice. My spouse and I are in the fortunate & unfortunate position of trying to buy our next home right now. I’m worried if we wait to sell our current home w...

re: Did a quick search of RFK Jr.

Posted by OGM on 4/14/23 at 8:44 am
You’re cool with all babies getting a STD vaccine within the first hour of being born regardless of the mother’s status? Babies don’t die of HepB. Infected people have an increased risk of liver cancer later in life. Very few babies are even exposed, mostly from poor countries. How did it become...

re: FBI policing language now

Posted by OGM on 4/10/23 at 8:40 am
Easy on those red pills man. Call a doctor if that thing lasts more than 4 hours :lol: :usa:...
[quote]“dog parents”[/quote]Wackos come in all flavors.[quote]people who post on their neighborhood facebook group every single time they see a dog[/quote]Not the same thing. A dog roaming the neighborhood is almost always someone’s pet that got away. I post out of respect for the owners that may no...

re: AI images need to chill out.

Posted by OGM on 3/25/23 at 9:39 am
Neat, but I just don’t see it as useful for the average person unless it can produce something that can be made real: like interior design with links for things in your specified budget, visuals with instructions to build something, or sewing patterns based on someone’s body measurements. It may eve...