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Registered on:1/30/2021
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Don’t forget to ban and outlaw any lobbying of anything...
I hope he leaves his meta data on and GPS tracking so he gets killed quickly....
Between him, Austin and Biden. It’s one giant goat frick. Edward Snowden can’t even come back to this country but this clown can stay in the Army and nothing will happen. We truly live in upside down world....
0 probably more than likely can’t fight. He is a bitch. All talk and can’t back it up....
frick Austin and Milley. Both are failed Generals and Austin is doing even worse as SECDEF, a position he is vastly under qualified to hold....
Clearly it was Joe Biden’s father but he failed at that. Probably should talk to all the men Heels Up has banged. Seems they are strong in that area....
Mark Milley is a fat piece of shite and a disgrace to the uniform. Like most GOs these days he is just a blow hard mouthpiece for the establishment....
The fact that this piece of shite is even still alive much less not in prison just shows how far our own government is in his pocket book. This guy and his whole family need to be swept into the dustbin of history....

re: Kamala's get together ...

Posted by der Spasvogel on 6/19/21 at 1:10 pm
That is a lot of equality in those pictures....
That dude would have got his arse kicked too if he went back there. Those Koreans weren't fricking around....
Holy shite!! This just made my day!...