Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:148
Registered on:5/9/2021
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Excel question for you geniuses

Posted by King Crab on 4/25/24 at 8:37 am
First, I'm an idiot when it comes to Excel. I hate it with a passion and try my best to avoid it. However, my employer does not agree with my assessment and they use it a lot. I have been appointed to conduct an inventory of all our assets. I have a master spreadsheet with every device and a...
Long story short, my dog got shut in the bedroom one day while we were at work and he destroyed the carpet. We did a manual patch job, but it looks like shite and the hardwood floor it connects to moves now that the carpet is damaged. Got lucky and found my exact flooring for a decent price. Bough...

Started Succession Season 1 this week

Posted by King Crab on 2/8/24 at 12:23 pm
It's been great so far. I don't know why it flew under my radar during it's run on HBO. Sarah Snook is not your conventional beauty but I watched Episode 9 last night which details the night before her wedding to Tom. Damn she looked great in that dress. [img]https://imageio.forbes.com/blo...
[quote]Wheee you getting this for less than 5 bucks?[/quote] Kroger....
[img]https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/5516594d-c599-4665-a1f9-df65e43bca04.1b16735ecaf64202c08b775ff607833c.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF[/img] If my math serves me right, this carton of egg whites is roughly 500 calories and contains 100 grams of protein. The carton is less tha...
Is it still North of $10 a pound?...
That 3rd string QB won his conference title game 59-0 the night before the rankings were released....
[quote]What happened to #4 Florida State that never lost a game, much less one at home by doubled digits?[/quote] Can't believe they left them out. :banghead:...

Need advice

Posted by King Crab on 11/13/23 at 3:57 pm
Will more reps help me put on size?...

Is Daniels playing?

Posted by King Crab on 11/9/23 at 10:04 pm
God I hope so....

Question regarding CCTV capabilities

Posted by King Crab on 10/11/23 at 11:44 am
Scenario is a customer of mine wants to set up a slideshow CCTV for their display televisions across 4 floors. They used to have a JANUS media player connected to the displays via a LAN, but at some point the media player went missing. The televisions are still connected via CAT 6. One of t...
[quote]I couldn't stop laughing because even when we had Burrow, they trashed him because they had Tua and Bryce. [/quote] Bryce Young didn't get to Alabama until 2020. :confused:...
[link=(https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.t-nation.com/training/tip-train-the-same-muscle-two-days-in-a-row/amp/)]T-Nation.com article on lifting the same muscle groups in consecutive days[/link] ...
Thinking about lifting heavy the first day then going lighter volume work on the second day. Thoughts?...

How safe is Costa Rica?

Posted by King Crab on 7/19/23 at 12:22 pm
Flying down to Guanacaste next month for the first time. Landing at LIR and the resort is about 20 minutes away. Is it safe to just cruise around?...
[quote]Question however - why did he get a room at a rather pricey Intercontinental yet sold his phone to some crackhead for pennies?[/quote] This is what I want to know. He apparently spent $1,000 at a Foot Locker in New Orleans over the weekend as well. Someone contacted one of my family ...
[quote]It looks like his car was ticketed today 7/10/23 on 300 CHARTRES ST for No Handicap Permit Displayed. Good luck with your search.[/quote] Thank you for this. Quick update: He says he left to detox from whatever he was on. He doesn't remember where he parked his car so you posting thi...
Happy ending in this situation or at least he's alive, depending on your view. My mom and aunt made it to New Orleans and retrieved his phone. They went to the hotel and have made contact with him face to face. That's all the information I have as of now. Thank you everyone who took time ou...
[quote]When you say "dog has been located" are you just referring to the person at the hotel mentioning they saw rented him a room with a dog[/quote] No. Hotel staff did a wellness check and found the dog in the room. My brother may have left to get food or perhaps drugs. A few family memb...