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Registered on:5/19/2021
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My grandmother had a florist shop at the Disney hotel in California. During the summer when I was young, she'd give me a book of tickets everyday and told me come back when I was done. It was a good experience as as a young kid. I have no desire to go as an adult though lol. ...
Thanks for update. Was wondering how you were doing. Looks like a good dog. ...
She's going to be a good pup. Smart and thankful. ...
My uncle once told me, "once a woman starts shopping they don't usually come back"...

re: Graduation gift for nephew

Posted by Alika_kahuna on 5/3/24 at 10:33 am
Definitely a watch with engraved initials on the back. My son loves his and only wears it on special occasions....
Oh no....consequences! Welcome to the real world. ...
People getting dirt on other people for control....
Good! Now put a bullet in every prosecuted pedo in prison. ...
That second vid though lol. I didn't listen to the warning... What was I thinking ...
How about the ones driving with no lights on at all. Counted like 6 this morning....
[quote]If it's an Ecuadorian Great Dane, it's ten[/quote] Lol...
I usually don't borrow I'll rent equipment but if I do I return it promptly, cleaned like new and full of gas if it needs it. People lack respect these days. ...
[quote]There’s a missing lane. The WFH dad who does all the things in the left three lanes and more.[/quote] Right! I take care of myself and manage my kids. I don't need anyone to do that for me. ...
I've watched a few videos he did on Reservations. Very cool and informative. I also like the fact he allows people to just tell their story....

re: Cocksucking Politicians

Posted by Alika_kahuna on 3/7/24 at 9:28 pm
Politicians are for themselves regardless of party. We need to implement term limits. Public servants shouldn't be able to trade stocks. The whole system is a joke. ...
Pho has gotten ridiculous. Mexican markets used to be 2.50 a taco now 3.50. ...

Beef Jerky Recipes

Posted by Alika_kahuna on 2/24/24 at 2:00 pm
Today's going to be a good day. Just carved up eye of round roast to make beef jerky. I usually use the following recipe and have enjoyed it. Curious of some recipes ya'll use? [link=(https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/241555/homemade-beef-jerky/)]Recipe[/link]...