Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Occupation:Team Lead for the Dept of Rabble Rousers
Number of Posts:7361
Registered on:11/24/2007
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I think we're ready to split up the country....
I wonder what that smug Peter Zehain dude thinks now...
[quote]Power plants are more efficient at producing electricity than vehicles are at internal combustion, even when using fossil fuels in both scenarios[/quote] So either way somebody is burning hydrocarbons for energy....
[quote]The Supremacy clause makes it the law of the whole United States. Louisiana has no power to "remove the jurisdiction" of valid treaties of the federal government. [/quote] What makes you believe the Federal Government can authorize the WHO jurisdiction over the people of Louisiana? Do you ...
It's a lot of young women with NO children and older women with NO children and more than 1 cat...
This reminded me of a twitter post of Ralphie May calling it out 20 years ago as well. NSFW [embed]https://x.com/i/status/1677029761552400387[/embed]...
[quote]This bill has no power and violates the Constitution of the US.[/quote] The Constitution is a pact between the States. What part of this bill is affecting the other States?...
[quote]Anyone else notice that all the people in this thread that have a problem with this are your typical anti-America First types I wonder why. America First loves them some unimpactful virtue signaling. It is perfect fodder for their NPC nature and echoes loudly in the echo chamber.[/quote...
[quote]Louisiana receives way more money back from the federal government than it "sends" in[/quote] Propaganda at it's finest. As if Louisiana, or any other State needed to make decisions on it's own accord, they would be the exact same as what recent history has brought us to. I'm sure ...
You would think that huge watermark would have given it away...
[quote]All that combined virtue signaling will do so much.[/quote] Here's your virtue signal [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/xGGDCeGZQqisFHlB89/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9524u2jtde2hkslal5kwib4ulp1sixctakalna597wz&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Louisiana is chasing ghosts to keep from making real change.[/quote] Maybe, but it starts somewhere. I see La getting more and more in line with Texas and Florida. We need States with similar populations/ cultures to begin to coalesce together....
[quote]Once the overlords are ready to implement their agenda fully the feds will cut off all federal funding to the states that don't bend the knee. Once this happens you'll find out if the state folks will really hold the line or not.[/quote] And what happens if that State no longer sends in...
[quote]Pope is vague[/quote] Then maybe he shouldn't speak. His job isn't to speak in such a way his message can be molded like clay into whatever the listener wants. When Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God...
Man, that's some fake arse shite right there. Because if I found a microbot or whatever, I would go to my tik tok background and create digital content. Also blue check mark so someone likely has an account to monetize. ...
Ole boy going back to Flora-Bama once it is "safe" [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/l0HlHelCbB9fyXDOw/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952cymvtjl7971noqhqlkhehebedvlc8zhb2qwpyx2v&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Sounds like some redneck got into mild trouble by opening his mouth, then got into bigger trouble by keeping it open.[/quote] IOW, Yeah, frick that guy voicing his opinion! He should just keep his mouth shut and take it....
[quote] “Black people aren’t anti-social, they’re just black”[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/PUw8yTi8V5AAAAAM/samuel-l-jackson-shocked.gif[/img]...
Safe and Effective [embed]https://twitter.com/i/status/1706178028018008199[/embed]...
[quote] This May 20th, as in a month ago?[/quote] We're in May, and it's the 19th [img]https://i.gifer.com/IJif.gif[/img]...