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Location:Lake Forest
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Registered on:6/28/2022
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Chinee will just go back to her normal Asian culture weight after eating Western food for years....
Gigi is a POS. LOVES her illegal brethren....
I liked the original brunette, Tatiana. She was thick, but was a real lieutenant(?) in the Marines. ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by guzziguy on 4/30/24 at 11:12 am
AOC's got an AI hand....
[quote] Sen. Josh Newman, a California Democrat[/quote] We successfully recalled this douchebag for voting for an increase in the Gas Tax. He miraculously got his position back in the next "election"....
Nobody worse than Fran Drescher. Nails on a chalkboard....

re: Appliances - Throw Away

Posted by guzziguy on 4/9/24 at 11:59 am
Any new appliance is crap. If you're not trying to keep up with the Jones's, buy appliances with old fashion dial timers and switches from craigslist or the thrift store. You can afford to fix them with NOS (new old stock) parts still available on the internet IF they give out. I guess I lucked o...

re: Get ready for $5-a-gallon gasoline

Posted by guzziguy on 4/9/24 at 10:45 am
$5.49 for regular unleaded in California on the way to work....

re: Hepatitis B vaccine for new born

Posted by guzziguy on 4/8/24 at 4:53 pm
Doctor's are just Sales Associates for Big Pharma. Why do you think they have so many annoying drug commercials on the Tee Vee? "Ask your doctor if you're a candidate..." Of course he'll say YES....
The new minimum wage applies to all fast-food workers at restaurants that have at least 60 locations nationwide, except those that sell their own bread- Fox Business...
Probably old Sears kit houses from back in the day, lol....

re: No Pee/Poop Signs

Posted by guzziguy on 4/4/24 at 5:40 pm
[quote]Why do people put up those signs all over their yard saying "No Poop/Pee"? I could certainly understand the frustration if people don't clean up after their dog, and I've even heard people explain they have kids and don't want them running around in grass that may have remnants of dog poop th...
[quote]17) Notice how lean everyone is in the photos. Not a fat person in sight.[/quote] Back in the day, there was ONE fat kid in school. Now, there's only one SKINNY kid....

re: Best Covers

Posted by guzziguy on 4/2/24 at 12:39 pm
I like the Al Green/Talking Heads cover of Take me to the River by Lorde....
The Russian guard wanting to use the EM50 to pick up chicks in Minsk. Didn't know he was that old....
We have a 350lb heifer at work that routinely orders $30 breakfast from McDonald's. Yes, she lives with her parents... In a trailer park....