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[quote]Nobody including Trump had any clue how corrupt and evil the DOJ and FBI were.[/quote] Ron Paul and Alex Jones and the folks that listen to them knew how corrupt they were. I've been laughed at alot, nobody's laughing now....
[quote]Jail for what?[/quote] Intent doesn't come into play when it comes to classified info. She had it, she faxed it lol. Any other American would be in federal prison...
The feds are getting the bricks out again. ...
[quote]don't even listen to Rogan unless it's someone interesting like Mike Baker, who he had on again recently.[/quote] We now know we have federal agents on here. Baker is terrible, he's better than Schaub but barely....
[quote]we don’t properly educate our children they will become dependent upon the state, and some people see a move in this direction as progress. [/quote] Parents should educate their children. We should keep the gment as far away as possible from teaching our kids. I'd rather kids not know ...
[quote]Yeah, I'm sure Candace would school Ben on the history of the Palestine/Israel conflict and prove Isreal is committing genocide. But only she can do it, apparently[/quote] It would be more of a collectivist (ben) arguing against an individualist (candace) and the collectivist will alway...
[quote]Because he would be destroyed and embarrassed. Would be the final nail in his grifter coffin Everyone knows this[/quote] Az has been giving daily wire his money and now he regrets it. He'll come out of it...
[quote]Did he ever say big gov should step in?[/quote] Obviously he didn't have to. He's pushed antisemitism more than Sharpton pushes racism. He doesn't get to play both sides of the fence. He's led the charge, he's backed by the same people that pushed this bill through. He was the mouth pi...
I think Joker is as good as I've seen but didn't luka just avg 35 10 and 10. I think Joker is better but Ican see the argument....
[quote]also came out against the bill to fight antisemitism because it was a threat to free speech.[/quote] He's been screaming antisemitism everyday for 7 or 8 months, backed by the same people that back congress. He's part of the game, he's a major reason the bill was passed. ...
[quote]Ben’s agenda revolves around using Americas wealth and power for Israel’s benefit.[/quote] And calling anyone that wants a Condtitutional foreign policy an antisemite. His gig is up...
[quote]What specifically has he criticized[/quote] It's not hard to find. Go look it up, he's been relentless on Ron Paul. It's mainly about Ron's foreign policy but he's been calling Paul an antisemite for over a decade. That's all I need to know about short britches...
[quote]That's less than 5% of what they do. Case in point, they dropped 100 million dollars into non woke kids shows (Bent Key).[/quote] That's one way to put it. They dropped 100 mil on a cartoon is another. Nobody bragged how great Hannah Barbara was for making cartoons but Ben is a savior ...
[quote]Correct, you're just someone who has no problem ascribing stances to people that they don't hold (a liar).[/quote] Ben isn't principled and he's not a conservative. He's been attacking Ron Paul for 16 years because Paul is a principled conservative. Ben is fueled by emotion just like wom...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Schleynole on 5/15/24 at 7:55 am
That's bs. Drive through WV or work there. You can live comfortably off a whole lot less than 200k a year. ...
[quote]confused[/quote] You are. Ben is a Jew, he has duel citizenship (lol). Jews hate Muslims (rightly so). Ben doesn't want Muslims anywhere around him, I don't either. It's not hard, Ben doesn't want Muslims in his homeland or the place that gives all its money to his homeland. ...
[quote]Yeah? Which amendment is that right enumerated in?[/quote] the 9th and hundreds more fall under the 9th. Obviously its not a car but we do have a right to move unrestricted by the government....