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Registered on:8/2/2023
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agreed intuition can often times be more impactful than facts or statistics facts and statistics can lie depending on the host...
I believe it has something to do with tDon’s push of warp speed ar needs to get over it though and get on the winning team...
biden was outplayed and walking into the Don trap :lol:...
[quote]Link?[/quote] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV66BlSoiLQ)]youtube[/link] this is a short clip, he has mentioned it a few times I believe he does say "they say...." tbf...

Trump did his part

Posted by B2BWWchamps on 3/6/24 at 3:00 pm
we as a country have to do ours now :usa:...
putin :lol: Don is coming back to put things in order...
[quote] When Biden wins again, are you committing to supporting DeSantis in the 2028 primary over the following candidates? [/quote] can't commit to anything with that much time in between, who knows what will happen I love Ron and would certainly consider voting for him, just like I would ha...
[quote]Will he magically not be a GOPe, RINo, sexual predator? [/quote] politics can get ugly at times [quote]I’m told MAGA controls the party. [/quote] you were told wrong then trump controls it :usa:...
[quote]Trump words were clear. Never Again Maga Ron [/quote] time heals all wounds Ron will keep owing the dims in Florida and be ready again when we need him...
[quote]If you're too much of a pussy to take on the left directly and smart enough to throw their biased questions back at them, then you shouldn't be President. Just like if you're too much of a pussy to answer to your own side about the mistakes you've made.[/quote] its time to fall in line ...
maybe so but I miss Don wiping the floor with his opponents and the moderator at the same time he can win so many 1v5,6,7,8 or 9 debates and did in 2016/2020...
thank you for the link :cheers: [quote]Conclusion: Greater exposure to wind turbines does not appear to increase cancer incidence. And while the effect of turbine development on cancer incidence varies in non-geographic ways, possibly by cancer type, these findings remain limited by the dearth o...
[quote]It’s as much as a mystery as why the poster brought it up in response to my OP [/quote] its because the gif you used about killing birds is regarding him talking about wind turbines I believe, it was a funny moment :lol: I love how silly Don can be when everyone takes everything so ser...
yeah, i went through the first five or so and couldn't really find anything i do wonder where the cancer thing came from...
thanks for linking, its an interesting topic this is from the abstract, looks like they couldn't find any issues in this study [quote]While wind power is considered key in the transition towards net zero, there are concerns about adverse health impacts on nearby residents. Based on precise ge...
[quote]A Vote for Trump will stop this war. [/quote] exactly there is only one man that putin fears and it isn't biden...

re: Why Does Rob Hate America?

Posted by B2BWWchamps on 1/16/24 at 8:43 am
he doesn't hate America he will be a great ally to Don in the next cycle time heals all wounds ...