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re: Facebook trying to get me divorced...

Posted by Nayab on 6/3/24 at 10:48 am
Your husband is fantasizing about other women ...
a woman just needs to be attractive, don't need her to be funny or provide...
Blonde Hair Decent sized tits with big arse not fat is very sexual I offer slightly above average penis and 100k salary...
Birth rates by race: White: (1.53) Black: (1.57) Hispanic (1.95) Asian (1.31)...
from what i've seen black birth rates are only slightly above white ones and they are dropping faster and the native born Latino birth rates are similar, they are propped up by immigrant ones ...

Fertility rates drop to record low in 2023

Posted by Nayab on 4/25/24 at 8:56 am
[link=(https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/24/health/us-birth-rate-decline-2023-cdc/index.html)]LINK[/link] This country is cooked...
Lets say they came to you and said they had feelings for another person but it hadn't gotten physical at all (hypothetical so assume its true), would you instantly file for divorce or try to work through it?...
Meaning vacations in other states/countries with just your buddies and without your spouse?...
These numbers take into consideration the millions of illegals that have flooded the country?...
He's a rich famous movie star who does cinephile movies, the former appeals to the normie woman and the latter to the artsy chicks, he's not objectively good looking but money fixes all that...
Despite the stereotypes out there, white women marry outside the race at very low levels [img]https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbb83bc66-4f3c-4011-ae29-bbaece73705e_626x640.jpeg[/img]...
men get married cause their brains stop working when they have feelings for a woman...
the house my parents bought in the late 90's for 140k is now valued at over 400k on the market, almost a 3x growth, wages have not come close to increasing that much...
No and No cost of living has exploded while wages haven't...
the vast majority of muslim countries are theocratic shitholes with next to 0 contributions in areas such as science,medicine and technology in the modern era and the ones that are well off are mostly surviving off of oil money and imported slave labor...
I didn't mention the content of the interview but i promise you 110m people did not sit through a 2 hour interview in less than 24 hours, most people will watch clips of it not the whole thing...
110m people did not watch a 2 hour interview, impressions just means how many people came across the tweet and probably a huge chunk of that are straight bots...