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And they are Semites. Most Jews are not Semites lmao...
This board has turned into a neocon echo chamber for the most part it’s frickin pitiful...
And bargaining over how late can we kill babies and still get votes ...
Jews invented Islam and built the Islamic extremism that they cry about did you know that ...
Could someone explain to me why the hell rape and incest are constantly throw around as reasons for needing abortions? Is it because the democrats are involved in so much of both those things?...
The mental gymnastics people do to justify abortion to themselves is really amazing to see. It’s also amazing to see God destroying this nation in real time and people still can’t see it and don’t change ...
To overthrow a mostly left wing New Yorker lmao. That says a lot about where this stinking media like npr is. Anyone to the right of Mao must be destroyed ...
That’s fine with me. Were already there anyway and that’s what drives resistance ...
Ur kILLiNg thE GOp wItH thIS abORtIOn stUFF!!! Dont threaten me with a good time ...
Again there’s no difference between the two parties. Electing republicans has gotten us zero nothing. It’s actually worse because they pretend to be different and then stab you in the back ...
I don’t think these GOP people understand that their party is already dead because it’s no different than the democrats and for that reason we don’t really care that it’s dead ...
[quote]The GOP allowed themselves to be boxed in by pushing a “no exceptions” stance. A lot of moderate women want rape, incest and health of the mother to be exceptions. [/quote] Why are any of these things a justification for murder? Rape almost never results in a pregnancy. I could understan...
Republicans are the exact same as the democrats the only difference is the pace at which they move to the left ...
[quote]You cannot legislate morality. [/quote] Then what according to you is the purpose of any laws at all ? Of course we legislate morality or we used to anyway ...
Or…God is getting rid of the United States for our own benefit...
No national candidate can run on it because we don’t have real elections obviously ...
[quote]most of the world hates Jews[/quote] Couldn’t imagine why they’re such upstanding people ...
I couldn’t care less about this phony conflict especially when our house is on fire ...
Uh that’s why the country is unraveling because almost nobody in the government is a moral person they’re not mutually exclusive ...