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Registered on:9/24/2003
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[quote]Mob rule is dangerous to society. [/quote] Is this really a great example of this supposed axiom? :lol:...
I’ve never found “the discourse here” to ever be anything but how I choose to engage people, but maybe that’s just me. ...
[quote]Seldom Seen[/quote] Oh goodness! :nana:...
[quote]My great uncle Freddie John Falgout was the first United States casualty of ww2 on record.[/quote] Everybody in Louisiana descended from anyone named Falgout or Falgoust (two brothers in the first born generation dropped the s, two or three kept it) is descended from one French doctor who ...
[quote]Paul Pelosi, is some kind of hedge fund bigwig IIRC.[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/MqxZxTlvcY5BS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952o52pin24hao3smbwalqxyx3zbv2t4eh70vwi0xkb&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
If only I could get a mutual fund or ETF that completely tracked all “her” trades! :banghead:...
[quote]Guess some folks will have to miss out since Mason has stated on social media that he doesn't want anyone with different opinions than him eating at any of his establishments.[/quote] I eat at his places to spite him! :lol:...
Who the hell is that supposed to be playing to? :lol:...
[quote]If they're a small number of freaks, it's the smartest thing to do[/quote] As if it really matters either way. Nobody sees this shite as anything but “marginalized” no matter what anyone else is doing or not doing. ...
[quote]The two groups have congregated outside the LSU student union, where tensions are rising[/quote] LOL...
[quote]I would prefer we organize and take it to the International Left wherever they organize. Bring consequences to them in defense of Western civilization. [/quote] If what they were doing was having any effect at advancing some cause or spreading beyond fugly purple haired whackos, maybe. ...
I'm good with it making the modern American Left look like the bumbling clueless idiots they are, who have basically run out of "causes" to the point they have to try to find one that literally turns off seemingly everybody who is not a complete whack job. It's actually sort of perfect in this rega...
[quote][b]Meat and 3 is usually a more compact cafeteria.[/b] New Orleans meat and 3 (hot plate) is served in styrofoam to go.[/quote] NOLA used to have a small handful of places like this downtown (Commerce, P&G, Hobnobbers) but they've all either shut down or retooled into something a bit diffe...
[quote]quote: This one is going around social media. Some folks are upset Was he supposed to get down on his knees and grovel to her?[/quote] You have to know the left is absolutely seething that there wasn't a Rebel Flag to be seen anywhere. :lol:...
[quote]had 3 retirements[/quote] I can't figure out if I pity you or envy you for this....
[quote]city of St. George.[/quote] What are we considering to be "downtown"?...
[quote]and validate their "protest".[/quote] Nobody thinks that's what's happening....