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Location:Chicken's most valuable
Biography:BR native, LSU Grad
Occupation:Professor of Anarchy and Brigandry
Number of Posts:67787
Registered on:9/5/2004
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Science and medicine credibility took a huge hit due to Covid. This only serves to lower the credibility....
That's good news! Pre pandemic ammo prices were really reasonable....
[img]https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/kek.jpg width=300[/img]...

re: The Good Old Days in Baton Rouge

Posted by TrueTiger on 5/2/24 at 5:45 pm
[quote]Muffuletta’s Tamales[/quote] Was that the place on North Blvd? Funny looking roof?...
I mean think about it, if your goal is to instill more faith and credibility into the election system the last thing you would do is make it less transparent....
Alex Jones named his organization well. It really is all about Infowars. ...
Free speech may have been an illusion the whole time....
America is a criminal Enterprise competing with other criminal enterprises like Russia and China....
We know that there is a high correlation between mental illness and younger leftist women. It's fascinating to see them destroying women's sports and now subjecting themselves to the patriarchy of Islam. In a strange way it looks like a complete rejection of feminism....
He really knows how to pour on the victimhood. ...
[quote]FBI agent being the mastermind behind Oklahoma City and that, while he and McVeigh were definitely guilty of carrying out the bombing, they were just pawns in this man's game. [/quote] knowing what we know now about how deep the tentacles of the security/intelligence community go, you can'...
[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.nPCYOwVEKebLRfSVJ9JQAgAAAA?dpr=1.5&pid=ImgDetMain width=350[/img]...
[quote]Someone should be able to figure out where the tents came from and who placed the order.[/quote] The FBI and CIA already know because it was them....
He's right. We need to get our own house in order before we galavant all over the globe telling others how to act....

re: Anti-Semitism Law

Posted by TrueTiger on 5/2/24 at 4:28 am
[quote]or are they a religion[/quote] You can join a religion. Race, not so much yet, but Rachel Dolezal says hi....
[quote]Remember during the Obama years their attempts to shut down talk radio, [/quote] they wanted to bring back the Fairness Doctrine....
The People of St. George are exercising rights recognized by international law. [quote]Article 1 (2) The right to self-determination is enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. Article 1 (2) of the Charter establishes that one of the main purposes of the United Nations is to develop f...
[quote]They want legislation to ban swords. [/quote] Eventually they will get down to banning bricks and rocks. ...
Insubordination Mutiny Treason Insurrection When are they going to jail?...