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Rope and zip ties? They plan on taking hostages?...
[quote]what will stop them from doing it to us?[/quote][quote]The Second Amendment[/quote]...
[quote]You know why? Because he’ll leak those details...He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fricking Russians.”[/quote]Do they actually believe this or are they just trying to get other idiots to believe it? Where’s the proof? If they had a shred of proof, Trump would be in prison already. ...
[quote] “Because people let them get away with it.”[/quote]I’ve seen that clip before and I absolutely love it. I have the exact same philosophy. ...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by bhtigerfan on 4/30/24 at 3:43 pm
Hmmm, sounds like a large portion of a certain demographic. [quote]Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD or APD) is a personality disorder characterized by a limited capacity for empathy and a long-term pattern of disregard or violation of the rights of others.[3][4] Other notable symptoms include i...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by bhtigerfan on 4/30/24 at 9:09 am
[quote]The fact of the matter is you cannot force someone to try and be a decent person if they are hellbent on doing the opposite. I never imagined things would get this bad. I cannot relate at all to her and her behavior, and neither can the rest of my family.[/quote]I had a coworker with a simila...
[quote]None of the LE agencies involved released any of the names. [b]This wasn't a press thing.[/b] The Daily Mail tracked them down via other means.[/quote]bullshite. The CBS Morning News showed pics and names of the 4 LEOs killed. Two US Marshals and two local LEOs if I remember correctly. ...
[quote]And did I read right that there was a second shooter?[/quote]Yes. After the perp was killed in the yard, shots were still fired from inside the home where the wife and 17 year old son were. Should have killed them all. ...
[quote]How many bags did they say he was carrying?[/quote]CNN headline: Police Kill Black Man Protecting His Home...
After I watched the news story and there was no mention of the perp’s name or even a description, the Coulter Rule was in effect. I immediately knew it wasn’t a white male. Well well well, Coulter was right again. ...
Watched the CBS Morning News earlier and they had a story on the shootout where 8 officers were shot and 4 died serving a warrant on a convicted felon with illegal firearms. They didn’t even give the name of the perp or a picture, just said the suspect died in the shootout. I had to search the web t...
No, the whole country will look like this after another 4 years of Democratic rule. [img]https://assets-losspreventionmedia-com.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/2023/03/apocalypse-1280x720-1.jpg[/img]...
[quote]The ship and all of its shite belongs to Spain.[/quote]Then why didn’t they discover it and recover it? The loot should belong to whomever discovers it and has the means to recover it. frick those governments. ...
Don’t Tesla’s record all of the cameras on the car while driving? That’s gotta be some crazy videos. ...
[quote]The payout to these families[/quote]There will be no payout to their shite families. Multiple felonies committed by wanted criminals with ankle monitors and endangering the public by felony reckless driving. frick those kids and their families. ...
[quote]Plutonium 238's[/quote]Can you get those from Amazon in AA and AAA?...
[quote]Do dealers even use KBB for anything?[/quote]No, they use NADA or Manheim Market Report. ...

re: ... but I'm a professor!

Posted by bhtigerfan on 4/26/24 at 8:01 pm
[quote]Video is pretty epic[/quote][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNDFxZWk5YjU3Ymhlem96emsya3ZrOTZvanVqbmdnbTA2NTR2N2hobiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3EV74tm43smVa/giphy.gif[/img]...
[quote]Your hope was not realized[/quote]Damn, you could really use a beanbag to the face. Why aren’t you out there protesting? Get out there and get in the cops faces!...