Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Asheville, NC
Biography:LSU Grad, '84
Occupation:Freelancer - Television Production
Number of Posts:26652
Registered on:10/7/2003
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[quote]So, 1.46 million a year[/quote] So 1.46 million too many....
Without seeing the list, I'm gonna guess I wouldn't want much to do with most of their top ten....
[quote]I'm not religious personally, but to say they're "living in sin this way" seems hypocritical. Isn't everyone living in sin to some extent according to most religions? [/quote] There is a huge difference between being a sinner and going to church to ask forgiveness and try to live a Christi...
[quote]They are going to be cash rich. You must pay a fee to leave and then negotiate the terms of the real estate. It’s sickening.[/quote] Yup. The Global Methodists are going to struggle, but at least they will still preach the actual Gospel. Those remaining with the UMC are going t...
[quote]I’m about to buy a 9 year old truck for 10k. It’s got 90k miles but it’s in great shape. I don’t need all the modern bullshite that comes with newer models. I’ll probably keep it for 5+ years or until repairing it costs more than it’s worth[/quote] Bought a 2011 last year for $9500 out the ...
If you don't consider homosexual sex a sin, then it's all OK from there. I am currently looking for a new church home because of this. I feel bad for the people who think they're going to find God by following that false gospel....
20+% fraud is pretty significant, but I don't think it comes close to the actual number. I think it's got to be closer to 50%....
Sounds kind of treadony, insubordinate and downright assholish....
They are literally hunting us....
Calls himself a socialist/communist yet says he wants to preserve democracy. Anyone voting for/supporting this loon deserves whatever happens....
Just got back from Orlando. May as well have been South Beach in Miami. No shortage of queers in Whorelando....
Very sad. My guess is person was leaning over the rail for a better picture....
[quote]Now imagine this guy explaining that to Joe Biden. I would love to see that transcript[/quote] It sounded like Joe explained it to him....
[quote]The Jews were involved in the death of Jesus they were just too chicken shite to do it themselves so they got the Romans to do it knowing how cruel the Romans were.[/quote] This isn't even debatable. The Jewish leaders at the time feared Jesus would take their power/positions away, so they...
[quote]women should have ultimate say over what they do or don't do to their own bodies.[/quote] Tell you don't understand the difference between a fetus and its mother without telling me you're just ignorant. From the very moment of conception, the fertilized egg (zygote) has a completely uni...
Why are so many of the protesters women? Don't they have the slightest notion of how poorly the goat lovers treat women in Hamas-land?...