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Registered on:3/3/2009
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It’s election season. The professional protesters are out....
The GOP Congress won’t do shite about this. I feel like the only way is military justice. There has to be a few good guys left in the military, right?...
[quote]I’m starting to think this kind of stuff should have been pointed out a long time ago.[/quote] I bet the a lot of the media are paid to go along with the disingenuous protest. The agitators are trying to provoke their astro-turf into something bigger. It worked with the BLM riots. ...
[quote]The New York City Police Department released a video showing a professional "protest consultant" who was seen on other social media videos instructing a mob of anti-Israel agitators as they took over Hamilton Hall at Columbia University overnight Monday. New York City Mayor Eric Adams spok...
[quote]The frick is he wearing a Roman helmet for?[/quote] You know that's a digital overlay, right?...
[img]https://external-preview.redd.it/bheCZKVzrL_mMr6KCS-ph0dlIiYFMyetGysw_X3jsHM.jpg?auto=webp&s=526ade51bf2c79ba5922b3086dc703baf8c98598[/img] [img]https://preview.redd.it/dr-drew-after-dark-ep-212-v0-ox0cyg9lqppa1.png?auto=webp&s=7ae14a876a3024bf86f9fe6bcc67501a629bac03[/img]...
In the old TD format LuckyTiger had a sig pic that made me laugh every time. ...
Man I want Speaker Johnson to succeed. But he needs to do things to succeed. ...
[quote] Build Nukes - Solved[/quote] This....
First of all this mandate by the EPA is likely illegal and will get overturned in the courts. Laws have to come from congress. Second, depending the proximity to a CCS reservoir to new power plants the CCS project can be a money maker or money loser. The closer you are to a reservoir the less CC...

re: What are the pros and cons of HOA?

Posted by GumboPot on 4/30/24 at 1:07 pm
[quote]i'm in beau chene and they run $200/mo. included is trash and water. [/quote] Still damn cheap. TCE and Beau Chene used to be the same. TCE is now $490/month with the same services as Beau Chene. TCE increased fees once they opened up the new section. ETA; the $490 includes fiber in...

re: What are the pros and cons of HOA?

Posted by GumboPot on 4/30/24 at 1:02 pm
[quote]Why did you purchase a home in a community that does not allow boats to be parked in driveways?[/quote] :lol: We have a marina. (I would park in the marina but all the slips are taken and there is a waiting list 40 people long.) The HOA also has a dry storage for boats and RVs or any misce...

re: What are the pros and cons of HOA?

Posted by GumboPot on 4/30/24 at 12:52 pm
[quote]What are the pros and cons of HOA?[/quote] Con. I get nasty grahams for leaving my boat parked in my drive way. Pro. Keep neighbors from parking their boats in their drive ways. ...
[quote] Looks like the FED is gonna need POTUS Trump to bail the FED out!![/quote] :lol:...
[quote]You think the Soros and Rockefeller families hold annual meetings at Martha’s Vineyard? [/quote] No. They fund NGOs. The NGOs do the work. [img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/college-protestsNEWX_371150.jpg?resize=1024,682&quality=75&strip=all[/img]...
[link=(https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/george-soros-maoist-fund-columbias-anti-israel-tent-city/)]George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests[/link] [img]https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/04/college-protestsNEWX_371...
[quote]It’s the economy stupid. [/quote] I agree but I needed the data to support this hypothesis. That's why I posted the Real Median Household, Personal and Family income charts. They have all declined since 2019 and people are feeling it. ...