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Registered on:8/11/2009
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[quote]What makes this even more stupid is that the blackwoman in the video is the grand daughter of Robert Mugabe.[/quote] And Mugabe was a damn Marxist/communist who absolutely destroyed a country that was known as the gem of Africa. #Rhodesianlivesmatter...
Iran China N Korea They are all allies of Putin. They have furnished massive amounts of weapons/ammunition or in China's case dual purpose components. Do you actually deny this? Or are you one of the Putin pole smokers on here?...
[quote]Cameron said Ukraine had a right to use the weapons provided by London to strike targets inside Russia, and that it was up to Kyiv whether to do so. "Ukraine has that right. Just as Russia is striking inside Ukraine, you can quite understand why Ukraine feels the need to make sure it's defend...
Ho!Ho!Ho! Dementia Joe has got to go!!!...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:...
[quote]Lyndon Johnson, in many respects, was a very, very good president.[/quote] That is bullshite....
You do realize that the guy who posted that works at a Russian consulate for Sputnik News don't you?...
[quote]Putin could have taken the path of peace and prosperity, but he chose a war of aggression instead.[/quote] Besides his economy, if he wins in Ukraine he will consider it a victory. He is in the process of getting Georgia back as we speak and he will eventually get Moldova. I still say 1...
[quote]They sure have sent a lot of men and materiel through the meat grinder trying though.[/quote] I have heard a report that is suppose to be true that a Russian soldier that got killed his mother received an amount of money from the government when it happened. She bought a house and started ...
[quote]We didn't want them fighting among each other, necessarily, and weakening that... we wanted them to be dependent on our leadership and especially our Nuclear Umbrella.[/quote] I agree with that. And I will give NATO credit for stopping/limiting those wars in Europe for 75 years....
The US doesn't want Europe to be too big in producing their own weapons. Too much money to be made by the MIC in the US. That was probably part of the equation, we will do the heavy lifting but buy your weapons.and weapon systems from.us. Macron is screaming for Europe to build its own MIC....
[quote]The west can FAR out produce Russia if we choose to buckle down and do it. [/quote] Yes, but have they done it? Germany has completely shutdown Taurus production. What about the EU and those million shells that they promised to produce? In truth the capability is not there and won't...
[quote]By every measure Putin has fallen short to date. [/quote] I agree, but so did Stalin and the Soviets until the war reached a specific stage. After that, the Germans were on the backfoot. The war may have reached that stage for Ukraine. I still say I will not be shocked to see a collapse...
[quote]Russia was once a manufacturing powerhouse but it has lost all of that and is dependent on imports to have the tooling necessary to build anything. It has been dependent on the West and now is dependent on China for technology even to keep its Western built refineries and chemical plants oper...
Yes,,but Putin has an objective and he is willing to make any sacrifice to achieve it. He has actually doubled down. He knew all he had to do is hang on. Putin don't give a damn regarding the sacrifices that the Russian people have to make. That is their history. Putin will not quit unless he.is tho...
[quote] "I'm Not Ruling Anything Out" - Macron Says Troops for Ukraine Possible if Russia Breaks Front Lines [/quote] Macron is a windbag like 3-4 posters on here. He likes to make statements to get his 30 minutes of press but he never comes through on anything he says. He is almost as weak as...