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re: 'Twisters' official trailer #2

Posted by Aubie Spr96 on 5/8/24 at 6:16 pm
You’re not alone bro. Hated the first movie and this one looks worse. ...
[quote]I dunno if I’ve ever been more attracted to an actress than I was with Rachel Weiz is Mummy and The Mummy Returns.[/quote] You need to see her in Definitely, Maybe. Yikes. Agree with the above posters. Might be one of the most rewatchable movies of all time. ...
I remember talking to my wife about vaccine mandates and what my then employer might do. She looked at me and asked what our plan was if they mandated the vaccine because there was no way we were getting it. Never forget what they did....
[quote]The ONLY way to be cured of Trump Derangement Syndrome is to take every available Covid vaccine and booster shot. [/quote] Is this the 4D chess I was told Trump was playing? He created the vaccine to slowly poison his opponents? Genius....
I still drive the first new truck I've ever bought: 2002 Dodge Ram 2500. Rebuilt the motor and replaced the transmission. 280K miles on it and it looks awful. I'd get a new one, but I can't justify spending $50K + on a new one....
Every time I'm at a red light near one of these new vehicles, I think about the damn starter going out. Not sure how anyone thought that exponentially increasing the number of start ups was not going to shorten the lifespan of certain parts....
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwM8j06WQAA-7uH.jpg[/img] Trump was part of the plan. What do you think would have happened if President Hillary Clinton had rolled out the vaccine? There would have been all kinds of pushback. Same way we never would have gotten the Patriot Act without GWB i...
[quote]Now they are back in the corner “Trump isn’t a conservative because I said so!!!!” [/quote] Trump is a liberal, big gov’t Republican. That’s not because anyone said so. That’s because it’s his track record. ...
[quote]Not because there is little to gain from it, but rather he knows he would get absolutely destroyed.[/quote] Well...... He did lose to Biden last time. I can only imagine what RFKjr would do to him....
Mom has BPD and never sought any treatment for it. She's been better as she's gotten older and she got some grandkids. Like some other posters stated, I learned a lot about what NOT to do as a parent....

re: Ghost Busters

Posted by Aubie Spr96 on 5/7/24 at 8:53 am
[quote]I enjoyed "Afterlife" for what it was. Always a huge fan of #1.[/quote] Finally saw this last night. It was better than I expected it to be. Not sure I'll rewatch it as much as I have 1 and 2, but it was enjoyable at least....
[quote]I'd be willing to bet over 50% of us smoked in HS, or maybe I'm just trashy[/quote] I don't know if it was 50%, but it was a lot. They got rid of the student designated smoking areas before I got to high school, but it was still well used....
You missed the part about no college debt or car loans didn’t you? We asked them what would they rather have: a big wedding or a down payment. They took the down payment. Maybe Bham is different, but I don’t think so. There are still areas with affordable housing. ...
I’m all for open borders. Free people should be able to go wherever they want whenever they want. However, you can’t have open borders and a cradle to grave welfare system. Get rid of all the social safety net bullshite and we can talk, but neither side will do that. ...
[quote]This is all theater.[/quote] It’s been this way since the McCarthy hearings. When was the last time their was a Congressional hearing and someone went to jail? Or was hung?...

re: Why are most women not funny?

Posted by Aubie Spr96 on 5/7/24 at 6:41 am
You are wasting your time trying to tell my wife a joke. Wasting your fricking time. Everyone in the room could be dying laughing and she’d just be looking around trying to decide what to do. It’s amazing. ...
[quote]how long after quitting did the cravings finally go away?[/quote] Used the patch and gum. Took a couple of months before I felt comfortable doing things I associated with smoking: beer, coffee, driving. Every now and then I'll have a dream where I'm smoking. Quit 20 years ago....
[quote]Most are screwed. However, the wants on basic things like a house are much different today than for our grandparents. They lived in 3 br 1 bath box’s that were a lot smaller than the average home today. Features like paneled walls, 8 ft ceilings, low roof pitch, and small lots were very commo...
Is Chicken trolling the F&D Board?...
Gov’t is the least efficient medium to get anything done. I’m not sure why anyone wants them to do anything?...