Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Location:Big Momma's House
Biography:Student, Philanthropist
Interests:LSU Football and Soft Toss
Occupation:Kicking Peeps
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Registered on:10/28/2010
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[quote]Yet time after time it's people like this "christian" who are the real predators.[/quote] Public school teachers molest children far more often than churches. You're a brainwashed buffoon just spitting out the typical programming because it's been smashed into your brain your entire life. ...
[quote]Heard a few people locally claim they belive bregman is going to retire from baseball after this season.[/quote] Lol. I wouldn't rule it out....it would be shocking though....
She's starting to look like the Bogdanoffs. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/3Hie9eQWMfcjQAyOFtdG37gfy05P0zQr7sTo4lwrQxk/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9zLmZy/YW5jZTI0LmNvbS9t/ZWRpYS9kaXNwbGF5/L2E0Nzk3OTNjLTY4/NzYtMTFlYy1hMmZl/LTAwNTA1NmE5MDI4/NC93Ojk4MC9wOjE2/eDkvYmI2MWE5YTYx/MTk0NzUzMzM5Mjg...
The leftists propaganda regime will now have to continue gaslighting through the election....
[quote]I simply do not understand all the men here going “She married down”. Really? Beauty disappears pretty quickly. It’s a declining asset. He’s in good shape, has a prosperous career, and his value, monetarily and as a man, will only go UP. If you’re a smart women, you “price that in” to marriag...
[quote]We like you enough how you are, ladies. Don't do this to yourself. [/quote] A lot of women say they do this to look good for other women. They claim that's the end of the motivation but we all know its women competing with other women for attention and ultimately the affections of the male...
[quote]Maybe it's just me, but I hate when media uses the term "Frackers" to refer to oil & gas companies operating in shale plays. That personal problem aside...[/quote] Because they want all oil/gas activity to seem deviant to their hyper-sensitvie urban readers. They want to make oil/gas fol...
[quote]Trump broke him.[/quote] The Trump stuff wasn't a good follow-up to his wife passing. I've always thought his Trump rants had a lot to do with his personal issues and of course the media gets off on folks in the sports sphere hating on Trump. It was a match made in heaven. ...
[link=(https://pagesix.com/2024/05/02/celebrity-news/sports-illustrated-model-brooks-nader-getting-a-divorce/)]LINK[/link] [img]https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/05/sports-illustrated-model-brooks-nader-20080658.jpg?resize=1024,1536&quality=75&strip=all[/img] [img]https://pag...
Mick Jagger is a buffoon. The only people who know who he is don't care about his politics....
[quote]There also could be an argument of selective outrage. The Colts and Duke don't have "similar" uniforms. They have identical uniforms. Perhaps Duke has permission from the Colts to have that style of uniform. If not, did the NFL prosecute Duke for trademark infringement? Did they do so when Me...
Probably paid democrats activists, like everyone of these stupid videos. Can we even confirm this happened in Ukraine?...
[embed]https://x.com/JHolmsted/status/1786072024013492452[/embed] :rotflmao:...
He hates that he can't force white people to pay taxes to an obviously corrupt political group? Maybe he should focus on the corruption first. ...
Lolz, dems have an infinite number of emotional stories to pull women into supporting their own destruction. ...
[quote]Mainstream outlets have finally started reporting on the funding of these groups. Rockefellers, historically anti-Semite, and Soros, are the two biggest sources that pop up across multiple organizations for years. The Rockefellers, of course, have a long history of anti-semitism and internati...
[quote]How does Soros make his money?[/quote] He ran a hedge fund and made $26 billion before closing it down. He was well known for currency manipulation and his most famous for betting against the British pound. He gave $18 billion of that $26 billion to his open Society Foundation which ...