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Location:Sorrento, LA
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Registered on:11/5/2010
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re: Beatles or Stones?

Posted by kingbob on 5/8/24 at 3:19 pm
Beatles. I like the Stones attitude, but their songwriting just isn’t on par with The Beatles....
“You should never do anything only because not doing it would make your wife unhappy. She won’t be happy regardless.”_divorced guy you shouldn’t take advice from...
NTA, but it doesn’t matter. You need to understand how your decision impacts how your wife and in-laws will perceive you. Then, you will need to weigh your priorities to determine whether that hit is worth the difference in hassle. If you believe that hit to your reputation is worth it, then stand f...
I drove from Sorrento to Marksville to see a really bad movie at the casino with a girl there. Doesn’t matter, had sex....
Somewhere in a beach in socal or the mountains in Colorado....
5 years ago, you could find those little brick houses for $160k....
It’s technically possible at 13, but my troop always made scouts wait until they were 14, and usually held them to a stricter standard on eagle projects....
No, but I have dated a girl while being in love with someone else. I’ve had multiple simultaneous mild crushes, but definitely nothing approaching two full-blown simultaneous loves....
Hone? Wings are way better than they have any business being....

re: How is Cheba Hutt?

Posted by kingbob on 5/7/24 at 1:11 pm
Delicious. It’s a silly concept, but the food is excellent for a chain. It’d be in my regular rotation if it was closer to my house or job....
[quote]Speaker Jonson is having sleepless nights after betraying his party[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/ZttURy99Kn8AAAAM/good-great.gif[/img]...
Tried it yesterday with the blackened. I really like the golden bbq sauce. It’s like a honey mustard with a nice little kick to it....
There are several PS5 games that I want to play which are not available on an x-box. I don’t know of a single x-box exclusive that I really want....
Yes, but I thought i had a job lined up. I was just wrong, lol. It turned out exceptionally poorly....

re: Cowboy Mouth Jazz Fest

Posted by kingbob on 5/6/24 at 2:29 pm
I liked the Voodoo Shoppe album. The band really fell off in the early 2010’s, but their live shows can be fun if you’re in the right mindset for it. I, am usually not, and just find Fred Leblanc’s antics on stage to be more annoying than entertaining....

re: Cowboy Mouth Jazz Fest

Posted by kingbob on 5/6/24 at 2:12 pm
Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give me some rhythm! Give m...
[img]https://y.yarn.co/53b73965-6d24-43d1-a2d0-97b330d563c1_text.gif[/img] [embed]https://youtu.be/UwjCjjqHYC4?si=xs52uuCA_qiEhflL[/embed] ...
Rogue One A New Hope Empire Strikes Back Phantom Menace Attack of the Clones Revenge of the Sith Solo* Empire Strikes Back *purely optional I love Rogue One. I also love how it seamlessly transitions into A New Hope. I did a back to back rewatch of Rogue One and de specialized A New H...