Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Lake Chuck
Number of Posts:879
Registered on:5/11/2012
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One was the 2nd best movie of that year after Network. I was about to walk out of 2 then the power went out in the theater, and we got a full refund. Never bothered with any of the other ones....

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 8 Final

Posted by drjett on 6/2/24 at 7:10 pm
Just scared my dog. Great job, son....

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 8 Final

Posted by drjett on 6/2/24 at 7:02 pm
Fcking corn dog bullshite?...
Here's one you should check out. CARM transfers. I may use them in mid June to get to the port for the ferry to Isla M. https://carmtransfers.com/...
[quote]How is that possible? he hit the walk off against Long Beach yesterday[/quote] Do you realize that Long Beach pitched to him with 1st base open? Genius baseball right there....
[img]https://alchetron.com/cdn/arnold-ziffel-04d302d9-b984-44c4-866c-c1c2e08df6c-resize-750.jpeg[/img] Arnold Ziffel. There is no substitute....
Please keep and protect that dog. A friend of mine just saved one very similar to that one, and yes, her dog does have some pit and Staffordshire in it, but she is an Incredible dog. Smart and sweet, but VERY energetic....

re: Anyone else celebrate a Thursday?

Posted by drjett on 5/17/24 at 12:11 am
Same here, but I go to the local Chinese restaurant, and have a mai tai or 3 at the back bar while waiting for my take out....
[quote]You have to own shite like that and it will die. Fight it, and it lives on.[/quote] One of Edwin Edwards state trooper bodyguards wrote a book in which he stated that Edwin had sex with some woman (Not his wife, obviously) five times in one night. In his very next speaking engagement, Ed...

re: 4 minute late GMT

Posted by drjett on 5/15/24 at 6:24 am
In Bush Terminal C, next stop, Isla Mujeres via CUN....

re: .

Posted by drjett on 5/12/24 at 9:57 am
Tennis. Getting my arse kicked as we speak....
Same here since October 1, 1984. It's been a slice....
[img]https://people.com/thmb/l9tAl7urLysgdlN_9uOfywygUxI=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(745x322:747x324):format(webp)/jon-and-carie-halford-mugshots-041624-925616f46b9f4c7fa0298cc052e79b4b.jpg[/img] If I was 17, and she was my teacher, I would not hit it....

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by drjett on 4/8/24 at 6:17 pm
Little kid was wearing those two clowns tfo....
Should I avoid Frontier Airlines and fly United?...

re: How much would you spend on your pet?

Posted by drjett on 3/26/24 at 9:34 am
I just spent $38.00 on nose drops for our cat because it has the sniffles. Make that $76.00. This was the 2nd dosage. Nose Drops. ...

re: Isla Mujeres

Posted by drjett on 3/24/24 at 10:32 pm
Best way to get from Cancun airport to Isla?...
Lance Henriksen has played every role there is. Michael Biehn also pretty good, maybe not as versatile....

re: What's Your #1 Film

Posted by drjett on 3/13/24 at 10:40 pm
Three of my favorites that have not been mentioned so far. Network, One of the best screenplay ever written. Chinatown. "Saltwater, bad for glass." L.A. Confidential. Crowe, Spacey, Pierce and Cromwell all nailed their roles. "Rollo Tomassi."...