Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Low Country
Occupation:Mechanical Engineer
Number of Posts:13301
Registered on:11/21/2012
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Recent Posts

[quote]To be honest, the ticket distribution process has been kind of messy (I actually got reseated for this past weekend, though it actually put me closer to the field).[/quote] So there’s not gonna be a standard purchase for this? Meaning off the University’s website? I do know when you click on...
Any idea how/when tickets are available? I’d like to buy a package or whatever for my family this weekend. ...
I thought Padysak settled down and looked good. I was kinda shocked he was pulled so quickly but nevertheless, Tech never scored again. ...
Why did Wes take Paddysak out? He was fricking cruising man. ...
Helluva atmosphere there holy frick… gonna be even louder once expansion is completed ...
Kinda feel we rushed those swings… should have worked that Tech pitcher a little more. frick. 5-4 Tech. Need 3 quick outs here. ...
How’s the weather looking like there? Any chance we get this game in tonight?...
Dawgs 1 win away from Supers :pimp:...
11-2 & 3 outs away. Solid performance today besides the walks (which I think was strategy). One win away baby :cheers:...