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Registered on:3/27/2013
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re: Do you have trouble sleeping?

Posted by runningdad85 on 10/31/24 at 10:23 am
I had this issue for a while too in my 30s. Mostly it was from drinking during the week. I've since hung up drinking completely for many reasons, but I noticed my sleep got better almost immediately. And I do get up before 5 and exercise most mornings too, so that helps. ...
I love how this is downvoted so much, when it's probably pretty accurate. The only question is the timeframe. You didn't say you hate ICEs or anything like that, just stated an opinion and everyone downvotes on it. I love my gas engine, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not going to be aro...
[quote]" I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a follower and a leader..... You have more fun as a follower...., but you make more money as a leader"[/quote] :lol: :lol: :bow: :bow:...

re: Can you fix her??

Posted by runningdad85 on 10/17/24 at 3:17 pm
Vegan, yet also a chicken nuggets addict. :lol:...
Yes, I've done 4 days a week for about 3 months where I'd only eat twice a day (lunch and dinner) and I went from 190 to 170. Great mental clarity, but a good deal less explosive energy for workouts. It's difficult to stick to because there are only 4 meats to choose from. Chicken, pork, beef, an...
[quote]No one that has tattoos at 65 and older is gonna give a frick how they look. No one looks super amazing after 65[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExd3NqZnUyZTJibWNkZDY4cHAyN3UzcnUweTU2bHFtaW03cjRscGl6YyZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/26gsjCZpPolPr3sBy/giphy.we...

re: Tin Roof Closing Down

Posted by runningdad85 on 9/25/24 at 9:46 am
Swing and a miss there hoss. I don't hate Trump, love craft beer....

re: Silliest Reason for a Break-up

Posted by runningdad85 on 9/19/24 at 9:16 am
[quote]After the break up, did she fade into Bolivian?[/quote] :lol: :bow:...
I find I get addicted to patterns of behavior more than the actual substance itself. Nicotine, though, is an easy one for me to dip my toes in and out of. Alcohol not so much. :cheers:...
[quote]illegible nonsense[/quote] unintelligible* fify :cheers:...
Funny you ask, I just had admin change mine because it was my first two initials and last name. I like running, I'm a Dad, and was born in 85'. Easy enough....
[quote]I could smell the stench of tattoo hating men emanating from my phone.[/quote] Same here :lol: :bow:...
Yea, I'd say it's time to revisit the ADHD meds. That stuff gives you anxiety without a doubt....
Anti-women and anti-tattoo threads are a staple here on the OT. ...
With a 4 and 6 year old home, and only a few hours per night, I make laundry easier on my wife and sometimes wear the same pants and shirt 5 days in a row. But, I work at a desk and rarely break a sweat....
I could not imagine. Very sad :wah:...
I love vagina, and I also love sitting down to pee in my own bathroom at my own clean house. I also love pissing while standing in my backyard. Both can be true. Sexual orientation being associated with what makes you comfortable while relieving yourself is fricking dumb and infantile. ...
I bring a satchel one of our vendors gave us. It's like a runner's bag. Keep all sorts of miscellaneous stuff I use. Meds, headphones, hand sanitizer, lip balm, screen wipe, etc....