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Occupation:Ancient Astronaut Theorist
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Registered on:4/10/2006
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[quote]It turns out Putin isn’t a bad guy. The western media and its propaganda would like you to believe otherwise. [/quote]And his own actions. He's done some pretty irredeemable things. I like trolling people with gung ho Putin posts as much as the next guy, but he's a genuinely shitty per...
[quote]Donald J Trump is the Nelson Mandela of American politics. [/quote]Trump is a communist terrorist who was trained by the Mossad? ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by blueboy on 6/1/24 at 12:24 pm
[quote]Who’s worse, the PLO or Hamas?[/quote]Apparently, to Israel, it's the PLO, which is why they helped to create Hamas.[quote] It still doesn’t mean that they created Hamas[/quote]They did, though. [link=(https://tribune.com.pk/story/2302309/how-and-why-israel-helped-create-hamas)]How and why...
[quote]but all have the same origin that has been at war with Jews and Israel since day 1 and prior.[/quote]I guess Israel shouldn't have given them millions of dollars then, huh? ...
[quote]Iran’s Islamist Republic [/quote]Nope [link=(https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)]HOW ISRAEL WENT FROM HELPING CREATE HAMAS TO BOMBING IT[/link] [link=(https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/)]Fo...
Looks like some of the smarter actors are jumping ship. So much for Look Who's Coming to Second Breakfast[quote]The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will return with Season 2 later this year. However, it was confirmed that one key actor would not be a part of the story anymore. Per The ...
[quote]The only reason they are here and in Europe is because of the Israeli influenced wars and because Israel wants millions of their fighting aged enemies far away from its borders. [/quote]Yep, and it's Israeli NGO's flooding them into Europe. Obama killing Kaddafi helped a lot too though....
Did anyone else click on this thread wondering how someone could dine and dash on an airplane? ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by blueboy on 5/31/24 at 7:59 pm
[quote]guy who molested his daughter Ah yes the story that didn’t happen[/quote]Confirmed by the FBI [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fr7I7S9akAES1Vf?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]...

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by blueboy on 5/31/24 at 1:53 pm
[quote]Maybe they trigger some sort of nuclear exchange in Europe.[/quote]No, that's the islamists when they get control of a nuclear country like Britain. [quote]I just don't see the upside in publicly airing one's frustrations anymore. I think it will simply land you on a list somewhere. [/quote]...
No, the people who unironically created safe spaces, trigger warnings and lose their shite whenever someone contradicts them in any way - are definitely still the snowflakes. ...
[quote]Y'all are going to downvote any post that gives this show a chance, that's plainly a given [/quote]I gave it a chance last year. Whatever it is going forward is built on that stupidity and by the same people. [quote]I'm also a huge Tolkien fan, that wants it to turn around and succeed[/qu...
[quote] but will spend hours reading articles and watching videos about it. [/quote]It took me a total of about 50 seconds to read and post this article. ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by blueboy on 5/29/24 at 5:11 pm
[quote]Statistically speaking, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles don't make the top ten for violent crimes per capita in the US. [/quote]Because of sheer population, but Chicago is still violent enough to be #17. That's staggering. [quote]Los Angeles[/quote]Disingenuous, seeing as how a subu...
[quote]Handouts[/quote]Bingo. They started doing this in the early 60's, people started flooding in and within 10 years, the cities had all become cesspools. ...
[quote]“Do you consider yourself more holy than Mother Theresa?”[/quote]We all are. She was not nice. ...