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Registered on:12/21/2014
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[quote]That it isn't going to happen with these younger generations.[/quote] That’s been said many years ago, thus we have trump. I’ll say it again, you act like this shite is new. Good grief. We have survived through bad times and hopefully we will continue to. Turmoil isn’t new or original, ...
[quote]Not sure what you’re asking. I’ll assume you’re much like me, but are too prideful to admit your lifelong political leanings no longer make sense. I have no problem admitting it. The left side of the aisle hates my guts because I’m a straight white male, and their political agenda has become...
[quote]Read your own words and open your own eyes.[/quote] trump? You have got to be kidding....
[quote]So Christians can’t vote?[/quote] As of now all Americans can vote. I’ve been a God fearing follower my entire life and nothing will change that. I worship no human. The Bible teaches us and false prophets will come along to interpret it to their advantage, but it’s for us to recognize...
[quote]had no idea we had so many gays on this board. Imagine being a straight male of any race and voting for Joe Biden. Lmaaaaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[/quote] Imagine claiming to be a Christian and worshipping the gold idol of trump. Whic...
[quote]The frog is in the pot & the knob keeps getting turned up[/quote] Never happened before… [embed]https://youtu.be/bjSpO2B6G4s[/embed]...
[quote]The people that want to destroy this country are not your everyday people but individuals in positions of power and influence that you don't see each day. Everyone else is cannon fodder used as a means to accomplish goals. Once they are used and abused, they are simply disposed of and the pr...
[quote]Clark14 sits down to pee[/quote] That’s all you got? Go put on your gold grifter shoes and kneel before your savior, nerd....
[quote]A sad reality[/quote] I agree....
[quote]No they don’t. They only like him because of how bad Trump is.[/quote] He was brought out of the moth balls because he was the only chance to put out the garbage....
[quote]What dumb frick Clark doesn’t understand is that the left is trying to destroy this country. Like Trump or not, he has pushed the left to show its true colors, and they are willing to do anything to keep and build their control. Anyone voting against Trump is a complete fricking moron.[/quote...
[quote] Liked our bats, worried about pitching. Used way too many pitchers against SEMO. After smith pitches tonight, who will step up against a hot hitting team?[/quote] I was more concerned about our pitching unit I saw that SEMO hit the ball so well today. They are a good hitting team. I wa...

re: Rate Kirby on the red carpet

Posted by Clark14 on 6/1/24 at 5:36 pm
Whatever works I reckon. Nutt brought in the Batmobile for a player one time. It worked…dammit.....
[quote]Some people worship Joe Biden.[/quote] Who? Have you seen his rallies? But if you want to worship a politician more power to you I guess....
[quote]I'm shocked at the amount of liberals from the SEC on this board. Maybe some day they'll open their eyes.[/quote] Everyone who doesn’t worship trump are not liberals. Some people just have good common sense....
[quote]We SEC originals were thinking the same right before 1992.[/quote] Wasn’t that expansion done to have divisions and a championship game? There was no good reason past that....
[quote]Mickey plyler source says Clemson to SEC confirm [/quote] Why? Why destroy another conference? I hope the SEC finished expanding....
[quote]Dave looks like a genius taking the early game now.[/quote] Dave, the weather man…..haha.....
[quote]Ridiculous terminology. However, as someone who started off opposed to the guy, I've come to respect Trump's resilience as much as I disrespect the Berians he's combatting You seemed to cast policy and political positions in the wastebin prior to your diatribe though. Have you even glanced a...
[quote]but your tds[/quote] This is a derangement you have. I feel sorry for you....