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Registered on:7/27/2006
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What’s funny and sad at the same time, is the only people thinking this guilty verdict actually means something are the same soy pieces of shite, that celebrated 2 sham impeachments and believe J6 was Trumps fault. This will be appealed and Trumps approval ratings are about to climb even more. This i...

re: Buckle Up MAGA!

Posted by shoelessjoe on 5/29/24 at 6:20 pm
[quote]Democratic cities will never recover.[/quote] Good, it’s the leadership they voted for. ...
My house pad was built up before we built and have a few washouts. Tried using black jack and sandy soil to no luck. Everything is still washed away when it rains. Any tricks to making soil stay instead of continuing to wash out? Next step is put erosion control blanket on top before rains and remov...
College Football is ruined. When NIL started, without any restrictions, it was lost!...
[quote]This country was founded on not having a King - for some reason MAGA cultists have forgotten that.[/quote] Don’t know if you realize it, but he was elected in 2016 and left in 2020. What dumbassss actually think he stays after his second term is up? ...
Bought a lighting kit from Lowe’s and they have worked great for me. I am putting a fountain and want to add landscape lighting in front of my house and in front of the fountain. I have wire leftover from the first kit I bought and will buy a second kit for this next project. Is there a way to conne...
These sick fricks are petrified of Trump, and for good reason!! They see the writing on the wall. They thought the 2 impeachments would have taken care of him being able to run again, then their plans of keeping him from campaigning has backfired bigly!! They see that Americans are waking up and now ...
Trump isn’t allowed to campaign in other states because of the election interference trials. Wouldn’t it be awesome if that forced Trump to just campaign harder in New York and he flipped the state? The melt would be unreal!!! ...
I am hoping for President Trump, on day one, to do like Saddam Hussein did when he took over, and call out all traitors and have them hung or jailed!! How fitting would it be for everyone that committed treason like Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Strozk and the rest of the swamp to start crying and ...
My prediction is verdict will be Guilty and Trump gets about a 2 point bump in support. These assholes can’t help themselves. It’s as if they are stupid!!...
[quote]How Biden won 4 years ago still to this day amazes me. Trumps rallies were 10x the size of his, and just the movement seemed like it couldn't be stopped. If something happens this year it'll be hard to admit its not all rigged[/quote] Are you a troll? Pedo Joe didn’t win. The election was fr...
[quote]He was clearly doing a bit here. [/quote] Go on, tell us what that bit was. That sack of bones doesn’t know what he was talking about. It’s clear that the dozen or so people there had no clue either. Funny how he was supposed to do a comedy bit according to you, but had to bring Trumps nam...
Will replacing Biden backfire? I think it does. It will unite the voters more to Trump just like the indictments....

re: Trump at Barron's graduation

Posted by shoelessjoe on 5/17/24 at 12:59 pm
[quote]All I can see is a pretty girl.[/quote] Graduation present...
[link=(https://conservativefiringline.com/wisconsin-clerk-admits-violating-election-law-claims-she-didnt-understand-it/)]I just didn’t understand the law[/link]...
Thanks. So same shite as always, just escalated. Anyone think the 6 billion Iran got from pedo Joe caving had anything to do with funding the attack?...
I know Hamas hates the Jews but what got it to this point? Stopped watching the news and already know we are wasting taxpayer dollars in Ukraine for the proxy war. ...
[quote]Because we have allowed large chunks of people into Michigan, Minnesota, and a few other purple to light blue states that love hamas. This is all about posturing. He’s not going to see large gains out of the Jewish vote, and he is gambling most won’t turn on him either. Internal polling must ...
Could we just donate one from America? Nobody gives a good shite about the WNBA....