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Registered on:11/27/2015
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Burn all the flags you want but don’t steal things the belong to other people. ...
Just curious. How would you suggest changing the direction of the military and getting it back to where it need to be if no one who loves this country and wants to military to be back on top where it should be enters the military as an enlisted or officer? The culture of the military cannot chan...
[quote]Isn’t it strange, the party accused of insurrections stayed calm[/quote] Which is why they get bum rolled at every turn and politicians aren’t afraid to screw them over within one day after every election. You’d have thought they would have learned something by now. ...

re: This trial just made me vote for Trump

Posted by Snipe on 5/30/24 at 5:28 pm
Chuck Schumer said back in 2017 that Trump was going to be a one term president and the office of president was too important to be left in the hands of the voters. You don’t believe him yet? I think a lot of you while enthusiastic fail to understand what these people are capable of and how ...
Are they moving to a performance base pay scale? They should. ...

re: Birds at your Feeder: 2024

Posted by Snipe on 5/29/24 at 12:34 pm
[quote]Birds at your Feeder: 2024 Whatchall got? [/quote] Damn Squirrels. ...

re: Josh Hawley is a badass

Posted by Snipe on 5/29/24 at 11:09 am
This it what some will call badgering the witness and not allowing her to answer. Other more intelligent people will see it for what it is, not allowing the witness to BS her way around having to give truthful answers to a straightforward question. ...
Having first hand experience with this you never get over it, ever. You can only hope to get through it and have more good days than bad. One thing is for certain there is nothing left that someone could do to you personally that would ever compare to the pain of losing a spouse to suicide. ...
[quote]Lmao. A felony for doing a burnout. That is so insane that it's funny. This is shite that will only ever flow in one direction. Motherfrickers put graffiti down on public roads...and then that graffiti becomes a protected entity.[/quote] This is the left's battle plan. The suit the shite out ...
[quote]Should I be offended about this? I feel like all our friends in common have to think that I was the problem and that I treated her like shite when she posts things like this.[/quote] If she's one of those believe me yall friends know who she is. Never respond to these types of posts on ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by Snipe on 5/29/24 at 7:26 am
[quote]Great, my 17 year old daughter told me she hates me.[/quote] Totally normal. They're trying to figure it all out. I got lucky, my daughter never butted heads with me the way she did her mom, but my son was another story. Boys in that stage are very tough for a dad to deal with, because...
[quote]“If I had not had that abortion, I’m pretty sure there would have been no Fleetwood Mac,” [/quote] Ooof... The callousness with which some people operate is beyond me. At 72 she should probably work on that delivery for the next time she has to explain it. ...
[quote]They will push until we push[/quote] This is the only way but at the moment we are stuck in the "Cold" Civil War. We're a long way from that going hot. Americans are still to comfy with all their freedoms and nice cars and nice houses. It's coming though. Much more suffering will need ...

re: Acupuncture- does it work?

Posted by Snipe on 5/29/24 at 6:25 am
[quote]Acupuncture- does it work?[/quote] Neither up nor down vote.. It feels very good when its happening but it's not long lasting. Which is how they get you to keep coming back for more and more treatments and more and more expensive. I'd say it's slightly more legit than a Chiropractor...
Angry black woman in training? :dunno: In 10 years she'll be calling white people racist for pointing out that she's an angry black woman. Side note: I would have gotten my arse beat by my parent it I acted like that in public (I know because I did once or twice), regardless of the situati...
[quote]Do you honestly dream of living in a country where you can lock up some guy because you don't like his politics?[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbzVtbjY0MXFkdmFwOTl0cGJoc3drOHUxYTB1emRuMWV0d3dxMWJjbCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/A3haYYuP6nu3AEppVk/g...
[quote]It's a dumbass, meaninglessness leftist scare tactic.[/quote] This. If we should be worried about anyone NOT leaving office it's the jack holes running the show right now. No not the retard and the hoe. The real ones running the show. Matter of fact we should be extremely worried a...
[quote]Trump flags are flying.[/quote] Has the MSM identified it as an insurrection yet? ...
[quote]So you prefer cronyism… got it.[/quote] I prefer whatever stops or at least reduces Baton Rouge from smelling and a weed factory. The potheads are obviously not capable of self-regulating. I understand you have your priorities and that's ok I just would rather Baton Rouge to stop being ...
LMAO We no longer have a functioning government. It's just a Hollywood script, written by the Chi-com's puppets. I keep waiting to find out that the USA is actually just a sitcom like the Truman show and the rest of the world is tuning in and laughing their asses off each night...