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[quote]The issue isn’t the creation of new laws they can use to go after somebody. The issue is there are so many laws that can be interpreted loosely by biased AGs that they can prosecute anyone that they want to based on some violation if they dig deep enough.[/quote] Correct 3 felonies a day...
[quote]Full faith and credit of the US government doesn’t mean what it used to.[/quote] This is all relative to the international monetary situation of any competitor currency on the global market. I don't think we're doing so bad there, and are likely much strong now than pre-Covid. ...
[quote]So you restructure then create a new USD backed by a bundle of precious items such as oil, natural gas and precious metals.[/quote] I don't see how this would work. Either part....
[quote]The NYC DA may have found semi workaround.[/quote] Not really. That SOL for felonies is the same today as it was the day before the alleged scheme/crimes occurred. Nothing has changed. Now, the civil SOL being changed for the EJC suits would be applicable, but that wasn't a criminal case...
What recent application of ex post facto laws is this thread referencing?...
[quote]Regional level - domestic policy for its region (6-7 regions) [/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/opRfAxbeAcWju/200.gif?cid=6c09b952aw4vuy4rqimszv3il9q3tc5mkbzv8bal2j6r77kx&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]So, what standard are we on now?[/quote] We use fiat currency. ...
[quote] Now if you’re 25 years old buying a house is basically out of reach for you. Now the price of a house is astronomical, and so is financing one. [/quote] Ultimately the market [b]will[/b] take care of this (assuming no bailouts, because that correction will involve a lot of pain for individu...
[quote]The question posed is WHATS THE SOMETHING ELSE?[/quote] The only way this can be answered is by you listing what specifically you're trying to accomplish. ...
Ex post facto criminal laws are still illegal (for the most part). Is your thread about the possible retroactivity of thew new set of LA criminal laws? ...
[quote]Gold is constantly deflationary?[/quote] The gold [i]standard[/i] is deflationary. ...

re: Cure (1997)

Posted by SlowFlowPro on 6/2/24 at 9:13 am
[quote]I always assumed this is very intentional location scouting. [/quote] It has to be, but I just don't know what it was saying. I don't think I can recreate the late-90s zeitgeist of Japan :lol: [quote] I like in Pulse how Kurosawa also makes incredibly dense Tokyo feel almost empty.[/quote...

re: Cure (1997)

Posted by SlowFlowPro on 6/2/24 at 9:11 am
[quote]I love how Kurosawa shot this. His play with lighting and shadows is simple but extremely effective.[/quote] Yeah it was like classic Hollywood from the past. And I agree with the other part I won't quote (for spoiler purposes)...
[quote]you think the solution is just finding someone better at the job and people not being able to afford a house?[/quote] You're going to have to explain this within the context of the discussion to give you an option to perform the duties. What aspect of "not being able to afford a house" are y...
[quote] It’s illegal when Trump does it because “he owns a business”[/quote] Kind of important for a "business records" law, don't you think? *ETA: And I never said what he did was illegal or that I'd vote to convict (in fact, I said the oposite)...
So the law passed by George Bush is going to be interpreted to solicit Democrat votes? Good luck. And, the supremacy clause, for good measure ...
[quote]remember Cohen was trying to impress Trump with his problem solving in hopes of gaining a spot in the Trump Adminitration[/quote] I mean Cohen was known as his fixer for years before Trump even ran for president. It's kind of hard to believe this was the first time he'd ever done this. I mea...
[quote]That's not what the DA argued though[/quote] That was literally in the jury instructions as one possible crime the jury was allowed to use...
[quote]Cohen took out a a home equity loan on his house to make the payment? Why would you do this?[/quote] He wasn't liquid and it covered him too. [quote]Would you bill your client this way?[/quote] No. I'm ethical and don't promote fraud. If a client came to me wanting some sort of cove...
It was real frustrating in the early 10s when the world game changed to benefit Barca/Spain. Those Real teams were so fricking loaded. And I know my comments about Barca shouldn't be controversial on a board with lots of Chelsea, Arsenal, etc. fans who faced that refereeing, too :lol: [img...