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re: Candidate For Worst Movie Ever

Posted by teke184 on 6/2/24 at 10:48 am
Worst that I never finished? Probably “Destiny Turns On The Radio”, which was boring as frick. The horror movies Frozen and Wolf Creek were pretty bad too....
Pretty much. SEC draws for CBB. No other conference regularly draws though some individual schools like Southern Miss will draw at home after sustained success....
No, but only as long as the NBA continues to subsidize this shite show. They aren’t making any money on their own, they are a boil on the arse of the NBA drawing profit sharing money away from the players and owners....
If I were to whip it out and take a piss on them, is that considered being inclusive?...
I think the line of thought is “demand is way up, so we can overpay for the site and we can get our money back down the road.” That city being an important convergence point for fiber optic and other connections certainly helps as mentioned upthread....
Biden repeats what his handlers have told him to say for the most part. I’m sure the idea is to try and buffalo the Israelis into whatever deal we make. Bibi ain’t having it, though....
[quote]Where are we as a constitutional republic when a billionaire has to be the candidate to withstand the lawfare levied against?[/quote] About a half step above the entire Senate stabbing a political opponent in the back....
NOPE. Haley is angling to get on the ticket then find a way to get Trump DQed so she can move up....
Yep. Not allowed to use Stormy’s own writings to impeach her testimony. Not allowed to have an expert tear apart claims of campaign finance violations. Cohen’s attorney was nearly ejected and his testimony stricken for the equivalent of “You eyeballin’ me boy?!?” when testifying to all the ...
The trials have been Stalin tested, NYT approved....
[quote]I wondered what was up with Nikki messing around in Israel the other day. I figured they may be warming her up in the bullpen.[/quote] Even if Rick Vaughn is in danger of going back to jail, you don’t start an undistinguished middle reliever in a one game playoff....
Yet somehow the state of NY charged him over a campaign issue (federal) that the SDNY refused to prosecute....
This is how you get Deadpool....
[quote]He can’t while he’s in office.[/quote] Make it so he can’t run for reelection. Combine that with the ballot rules in states like Ohio and the Dems may be up shite creek....
[quote]Rubio was on Sensei's show tonight saying America must fight and do everything possible to make sure another political prosecution never happens again.[/quote] I think now that the Rubicon has been crossed that “never again” isn’t going to cut it. Hochul has been running around claiming...
The “take that” to NY and its legislature in “1776” stays evergreen....
The Revolutionary War generally had 10% patriots, 10% Tories, and 80% people just living their life. I bet that 80% doesn’t get the option of living their life this time around when the Tories start attacking everyone not on their side....

re: They just proved Trump right

Posted by teke184 on 5/30/24 at 8:00 pm
I call bottom bunk at the camps....
It is MSNBC. I’m surprised they don’t have Merchan present to blow him on the air, literally....