Favorite team:US Space Force 
Location:Revelation 20:11
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Registered on:7/30/2020
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Start sh#. Then bitch like a pair of post-menopausal New York wives who ran out of Midol when you get hit. Take your best shot, ladies. (You might bruise you vags and other bits in the process) :lol: :lol:...
[quote][b]LegendInMyMind[/b] Member since Apr 2019 55014 posts Back to top Posted on 6/1/24 at [b][i]12:29 pm[/i][/b] to FutureCorridor49 by [b]LegendInMyMind[/b] [i]Liberator likes to use his imagination and type like a twelve year old girl.[/i][/quote] [quote][b]LegendInMyMind[/b] Poste...
[img]https://images.foxweather.com/static.foxweather.com/www.foxweather.com/content/uploads/2024/02/668/376/lander.png?ve=1&tl=1[/img] Aah, remember how close we got? The [i]Odysseus[/i] Moon lander (named "Odie") TIPPED OVER on its side on the "Moon" just after completing mile 238,000. Miss...
[img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/broken-down-photovoltaic-solar-panels-destroyed-hurricane-ian-winds-mounted-industrial-building-roof-producing-green-275251205.jpg[/img] Seems quite prone to hurricane, tornado and bad weather damage. How are you convincing anyone that this is a "safe" OR...
LOVE that bird's Iberia cut! Does windy / tornado weather mess up that do? (any bug pics of its diet? By its beak looks like nuts & berries)...
[quote]Manhattan is something like 85% Democrats. It’s crazy they were able to hold this trial in one of the most liberal locations of America.[/quote] It'd be like holding a trail for a Jew in Dearboristan. Or straight Evangelical Christian male in SF (or in Dearbornistran as well :lol:.) I...
Hey -- how the ol' solar panel scam going? ...
Temper temper, Miss Temple... You don't want to break a fingernail slamming your freshly manicured DV thumb. :cheers:...
[quote]LegendInHerMind: [i]Liberator likes to use his imagination and type like a twelve year old girl. [/i][/quote] Well that's a coincidence. LegendInHerMind IS a 12 year old girl. :lol: :lol:...
Man... Turrible. Had no idea LSU overlords were this committed to pandering to Groomersecksuals Fascists. But why?? :confused: [i]smdh[/i] Let's see....what's a good wholesome (but entertaining) [i]non-Jesuit[/i], non-Mormon conservative, traditional college board forum? Liberty? ...
This whole YT footage of the "Blue Team" :rolleyes: look as though they are confused as to what exactly to do because it's the first time they are dealing with the "equipment" props. The uniforms (numbered!) in [i]Black masks[/i] are just costumes. Now into the improv scene of "techs" milling ar...
[quote]I think Trumps campaign needs the discipline and softer touch that Kellyanne and Ivanka brought in the last month of 2016.[/quote] Disagree by 180 degrees. Toooo soft. And....#Compromised M. Kelly recognizes that only a scorched earth Cro-Magnon-Warrior type (like Bannon) who can gr...
[b][quote]Keep in mind congress has a sex scandal slush fund to pay off thots[/quote][/b] Timely reminder. Oddly, no MSM has ever been remotely curious about it. Does Laura Loomer know about this can 'o worms?...
[img]https://media.tenor.com/images/58dd02ef11b19508939b4f343020025e/tenor.gif[/img] Boeing just called in their best tech guy to work on solving the Ground Sequencer. Probably just needs a squirt of WD-40 and spit. :lol:...
Did I make it to another official scrubbing of another penisci-fi "space" ship going no where? Oh wait -- STATUS: "Holding". :lol:...
[quote]there's a type of shampoo not made anymore that I'd like to have. smell takes me back in time.[/quote] Same. (Clairol[i] 'Herbal Essence'[/i]) ?...
Those are some sweet specific memories. Amazing how sounds and smells can bring you back. -- The nostalgic scent of Irises in the spring -- Honeysuckle in the summer (and as a kid carefully drawing out the stigma and sucking its sweet dew) -- The soft drone of a propeller airplane in th...

re: Enjoy this last day of May

Posted by Liberator on 5/31/24 at 10:22 am
So who is it who officially signs off on all these tiring bulls#t "Honorarium" Months or Days of the year? Who specifically signed off on behalf of this homo-larceny of not only an ENTIRE month of June, but hijacked THE best month of the year without anywhere near consensus from America?? ...
By poring through a whole new set of even more hilarious rainbow-themed TD memes. :bow:...