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Biography:lsu alum
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Registered on:7/11/2004
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Don't keep me in suspense. Do the newer lightsabers scissor? ...
[quote]female filmmakers “struggle” with fan backlash to their respective film and TV franchise installments. [/quote] The Kennedy projects? Yes. Because she picks terrible people with terrible motivations. [quote]But I want to be clear. Anyone who engages in bigotry, racism or hate speech …...
[quote]Like everything else in this time, they have lost 50% of them. The other 50% think they are doing a great job It is what it is[/quote] Perhaps. The thing is there is a market for the Mary Sue girl boss hero. I know women who just want the fantasy of a woman beating up men. But ...
[quote]Does Mel fit your criteria?[/quote] He would have to: Mad Max Lethal Weapon Possibly Payback and Get the Gringo ...
Couple more not mentioned: Bruce Willis: Die Hard Unbreakable/Glass Sin City Jason Statham: Transporter The Meg F&Fs Eddie Murphy: BHC 48 Hours Nutty Professor Tom Hanks: Toy Story DaVinci Code Michael Douglas: Wall Street Romancing the Stone Michael Keaton: Bat...
Yes. There's a Solo (after TLJ) effect hitting a lot of projects. The benefit of the doubt used to be given but it now the opposite is true ...
[quote]it had 4-5 magazines that contained pictures of females doing things I'd never imagined[/quote] What kind of household did you grow up in? Nowadays this could be cooking ...
[quote]If Miller would have made an old man Max film with Mel Gibson, it would have likely done double the box office numbers. This would 1,000% be a hit. Not to derail the thread but why hasn’t it happened? They just trying different takes or does Miller have a problem with Mel?[/quote] I...
What were the odds that his wife banged the head case he moved into his guest house?...
Well he's done Batman and Beetlejuice. Better strike while the iron is hot (and Winkler is still alive) to do Night Shift 2....
[quote]Respect and a peaceful home are the two most nonnegotiable things.[/quote] I really wish I understood that when I was in my early 20s. For too long I considered it part of a relationship for a woman to occasionally lose her shite about something trivial. I didn't understand the concep...

re: Kyrie post game interview.

Posted by molsusports on 5/23/24 at 12:19 am
Did he call the media out? As Mavs deniers?...
Not reading the thread or watching the trailer. But did they do the right thing and make the lead characters lesbians? Preferably played by Melissa Mccarthy and Will Ferrell?...
Sounds like a sanitized version of her life. Her voice and singing were amazing and deserved accolades. My understanding of her personal character is she deserved criticism or worse. The most widely recognized song can be viewed as a declaration of intentionality for self destruction. She...

re: The Blue Angels in IMAX

Posted by molsusports on 5/19/24 at 12:20 pm
I enjoyed it. FWIW the #1 with the moniker of Boss strongly resembles Paul Rudd's older brother from Wanderlust. His wife however did not match the red wine consuming bored housewife. She was military with decent biceps....
I haven't read through the wage data but, if the reports of employers cutting hours are accurate, then it would be surprising if employee earnings weren't reduced....

re: Pluto TV has many good content.

Posted by molsusports on 5/16/24 at 6:38 am
Sounds like they added some Russian stuff ...
Hollow Man X-Men first class The Woodsman ...