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Biography:former 5 time WCW World Champion
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Registered on:5/20/2023
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re: UFC 302: Makhachev vs Poirier

Posted by JamalMurry27 on 6/1/24 at 10:32 pm
Main stream news gotta be hating this trump love ...
Caitlin looks sexy on the court when surrounded by her fellow co workers. Would...

re: UFC 302: Makhachev vs Poirier

Posted by JamalMurry27 on 6/1/24 at 10:13 pm
UFC 305 Biden V Trump just get in the octagon and settle it lol...

re: UFC 302: Makhachev vs Poirier

Posted by JamalMurry27 on 6/1/24 at 10:12 pm
I need another trump chant...

re: UFC 302: Makhachev vs Poirier

Posted by JamalMurry27 on 6/1/24 at 9:16 pm
what a pop Trump got MAGA :usa:...
The wolves looked like 12 James hardens that one time he quit in game 6 or 7 a few years back ...
I just dread the mid part of the season with all the talk being who gonna make them playoffs baw. Who will be 10-11-12 is so and so wins their last 6…instead of “Big rivalry Game” between so and so with Senior QB so and so trying to get his first win over so and so. The sec being on ESPN will be ess...
Yeah they fell tonight good enough for a 3-1 hole. For minny to win either KAT rides that unrealistic heater for 3 more games or ANT just tries to score 40 every time and give them a chance. Ant gets fouled a lot too when he drives to the hole and rarely gets calls kinda odd. But get to that elbow r...
While I want Dallas to move on, I have no idea why he doesn’t shoot more. He can easily get that elbow jumper just about whenever he pleases and he almost never misses it. He could score 45 points if he just shot more. With his elevation and high release it baffles me how much he is foregone shootin...
KAT [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/NvQrY1XGKfJok/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952lhjkmrz53se8bgszbct6wjzm31clmcd6g1m1u1pm&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
“Lost his footing” on a post up KAT :smh:...
[quote]He's definitely a different person on the court. He clowns and jokes and plays before game, after game, with media...but for those 4 quarters he's a business all the time and will definitely talk his shite. People give it back to him when they can.[/quote] it’s refreshing to see honestly ...
[img]SirWinston[/img] weren’t you a big rockets harden fan back in the day? Back when I lurked I thought I remember that. Maybe not ...
[quote]where would they be in this series without his contribution" hmmm, probably down 0-2.[/quote] probably watching Denver play dallas...
Luka is a big smack talker then in his interviews he choir boys up and talks will soft :lol:...

Poor LeGOAT watching Kyrie prosper

Posted by JamalMurry27 on 5/26/24 at 9:12 pm
with another star. He has to be fuming Kyrie hasn’t been a Laker the last couple of years. Seems like Dallas would be the best place for bron and bronnie to ride off In the sunset together with Luka. That would be a super team. (Not because of bronnie jr)...
Ants Shot attempts need to be about 10 more per game than they have been this series even if some of them aren’t “good shots”. IMO...
A-Rod is back. But you can’t turn off injuries like on madden. I will be surprised if he can be healthy all year. I hope he is but I see I injuries for him unfortunately ...