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Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:118
Registered on:10/19/2008
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re: If Elections can be stolen...

Posted by mbraud4 on 3/18/24 at 4:43 pm
It was a satirical mocking of your comment...moron....

re: If Elections can be stolen...

Posted by mbraud4 on 3/18/24 at 4:32 pm
According to DEG, OJ did not kill his wife and a waiter. Fkn genius....
As others have mentioned...attention to quality of service is one of the main benefits IMO. Had them as a provider for years...had fiber in the ground in the early 00s before many big companies did. Up to date offerings/technologies with hometown feel/approach is hard to find these days. ...
You have me convinced, let’s throw good money at bad....
[quote]I've reached out to my local troop[/quote] God help them......
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8IHvEZakAAbhnp?format=png&name=360x360[/img] [img]https://external-preview.redd.it/hPNjVjt1Pw1Bw5Q3s9uJ_c83vNMSLOM9RxNT_PCN2Qk.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4a5f4bc58657601e60dde98f0fcc08d11b927418[/img]...
[quote]Every voter can decide for themselves how this impacts their potential vote for Trump. For me, it’s an automatic disqualifier.[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/a8388759-482a-4476-89c9-879ffc5ff0b9_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]How many hours a week do you volunteer yourself to help provide security for Walmart? If your convictions are this strong.....obviously you must be doing something about it other than running your pussy mouth anonymously on a message board. [/quote] I dont work at Walmart; however, best o...
[quote]your pussy arse probably wouldn’t defend yourself… damn defending someone else’s insured property[/quote] Meet me at sonic you pussy arse bitch. I'm talking about doing the right thing and stop being a bunch of pussies. Walmart should pay for security. Thief should get knuckle checked a...
[quote]Why put your job…..and possibly your life….on the line for a company that doesn’t give a shite about you?[/quote] Why should police do the same for a thankless job? Its because some of us around here have to be adults and grown ups. Society has gone soft because of pussy ideologies and pu...
Woody1984’s post history looks like a teenage girl’s diary, what a vag...
[quote]I did type it and am not being deliberately obtuse. I just want someone to explain to me how erroneously claiming that the Germans bombes Pearl Harbor (as Bluto did in Animal House) is "old news"[/quote] Sir, this is a Wendy's... ...
[quote]I don't plan to log off but I would like to ask you one simple question. Who do you believe bombed Pearl Harbor? If you believe that it was Germany and mention of the Germans is "old news" then you should log off and take a History class. If you believe it was Japan, then explain to me...
[quote]I’m not telling myself everything is A-OK. It’s not. I died from taking the vaccine after getting my second booster. That’s when I went back in time to my 18 year old self and warned myself about everything that would happen. I became MAGA at that point, after telling myself salt everyt...

re: This Tweet sums up the indictment

Posted by mbraud4 on 8/4/23 at 8:47 am
[quote]He gave his opponents the fuel to start these court proceedings--no question about that.[/quote] If I give you fuel, will you pour it on yourself and light the match? ...
[quote]He will likely be convicted well before November 2024.[/quote] Is his conviction imminent you beta cuck bish?...

re: Trumpers…. Why???

Posted by mbraud4 on 8/1/23 at 7:00 pm
[quote]What is it that makes you defend this person no matter what? Do you think he really cares about you personally?? Any more than Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, or any other President? I have never seen more fragile, HYPOCRITICAL people. If he didn’t do anything he’ll be foun...