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Trump needs to polish up his taking points for this... make sure he is concise, to the point, and magnanimous. Be able to explain how Biden's DOJ has met with all these prosecutors and is turning our country into a banana republic when he could have done the same to Clinton for all the shite she pul...
[quote]I think the whole point of this was a campaign ploy to label him a "convicted felon.[/quote] He should wear it as a badge of honor and if he could be eloquent and concise in his speeches he would say: "The thing you read about in 3rd world countries and dictatorships has made its way to...
Possible, 4yrs for every guilty, capped at 20yrs For his age and history, 99.9% of people would get probation and a fine for these "crimes". I think the Dems are tone deaf, but know jail time would push too far and result in some trouble. I think he will get the above or if the judge is fee...

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by Lsut81 on 5/30/24 at 4:01 pm
Reporters saying 3 months before sentencing, so if convicted, at that point, he would be the official Repub Nominee. No way they jail him. Could judge hold him under house arrest until sentencing as an effort to screw his campaign? Appeals court would stay everything, but will show the judge ...

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by Lsut81 on 5/30/24 at 3:48 pm
[quote]If they're hung, he'd send them back. Guy wouldn't give up on his dream so easy.[/quote] Yup... Gotta be a guilty. You know damn well at least one of them would hold out for a guilty, thus a hung. I mean, unless the two lawyers in the room really took control and told them they ha...

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by Lsut81 on 5/30/24 at 3:44 pm
Hope I'm wrong, but can't see all 12 agreeing on not guilty.... Going to be a compromise of some giving in to a guilty....

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by Lsut81 on 5/30/24 at 3:43 pm
Going to be guilty, no way a hung because judge didn't push them back to reconsider. ...
Can the defense not object and make him read back the transcript of what he said? The court reporter obviously has word for word, not his revisionist history of his comments....
[quote]And who's fault is that, dickhead?[/quote] "Dickhead" :speechless: Thanks for proving my point around rational people... :bow: ...
[quote]If shoe was on the other foot, riot’s would ensue and the msm would call it *protests*.[/quote] And would be the same from the far right... "ends justify the means" "who cares, Biden deserves it". This judge is evil, but don't think the right wouldn't celebrate a far right judge/legal syst...
Decision will be Friday afternoon Hung Jury...
Again, how can Biden's camp say that the prosecutions aren't political if they are outside making statements pushing for his conviction? What a clown world...
This isn't going to do what they think it will do... Thought this trial wasn't political? So why is Biden's team there pushing for his conviction and to stop him? ...
I'm not a big reader and haven't read the books, but genuinely curious about the story now. I may have to see if I can find a cliffnotes version of the original story and how it differs from the movie. ...

re: 2024 Formula 1 season Thread

Posted by Lsut81 on 5/27/24 at 3:09 pm
[quote]Domenicalli supposedly said they are looking at no hybrid for 2030 to reduce the size and weight of the cars. [/quote] No way, with how much F1 is pumping the carbon neutral environment bs, there’s no way they will go back. Even though every single fan wants the v10s back :dude:...
And funny that he was hired by Petland, flown across the country from Boston to be their Merchandising Manager, only to be fired 6 months later and put on his path with Danny and Adam....

re: 2024 Formula 1 season Thread

Posted by Lsut81 on 5/27/24 at 1:19 pm
[quote]Seems to be some rumors floating that Ocon will be dropped for the Canada GP.[/quote] Before the race was even over the Team Principal commented that there will be consequences and they will take a hard look at Ocon....
[quote]The video already has over 1 Million views! Drumeo really needs to get Danny Carey on now[/quote] I'm sure they will, but won't be a sneak attack like with Portnoy if they get him to play DT. I'm sure Danny will be prepared :lol:...

re: 2024 Formula 1 season Thread

Posted by Lsut81 on 5/26/24 at 10:40 am
[quote]I really wish that they would make Monaco an exhibition race with a $50M-$100M purse, with spec cars with about 1990 length/width. [/quote] That would be cool... Put them back in the Senna/Prost size cars and make them manual :lol:...