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re: Trump Now On TikTok

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/2/24 at 1:22 pm
[quote]You like suppression of speech?[/quote] I have no desire to suppress speech I have a great desire to call out those who support Commies! Tik Tok = Commies DJT = Loves Commies (Russia + China + Fat Boy in North aka Yankee Korea) If DJT wants to stick his nose up Commie butt till...

re: Trump Now On TikTok

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/2/24 at 12:04 pm
[quote]Trump Now On [b]TikTok[/b][/quote] Commie lover! :casty:...
Is "Breed of Peace" contagious as that looks not to be one?...
[quote]Hypothetical: Pio posts some some predictions on your board, like Utx winning and that he has no alters.[/quote] [quote]As moderator, how long do you ban him? A. 1 Day B. 1 Week C. Permanently, for jinxing Utx[/quote] [b]FIFY[/b]...
[quote]Federalist paper 84; Are prophets[/quote] The biggest problem I have with the Federalist Papers is that there are over 80 of them yet all these so called "Federalist" just quote from 3 or 4 of them. :casty:...
[quote]frick Canada and their shitty bacon.[/quote] Clearly you have never had real Canadian Bacon? What we call "Canadian Bacon" is not and is crap. I have had the real thing and it is delicious!...
[quote]Canada and UK says Trump can't visit[/quote] Canada makes sense DJT put a ambassador there that could not speak French DJT rebranded NAFTA and just dumped our crappy dairy there I would tell DJT to pound sand for those things alone but his alienation of our closest and most supporti...

re: A valuable lesson to both sides

Posted by Cheese Grits on 6/2/24 at 11:49 am
[quote]I want a good Christian leader.[/quote] Then neither Sleepy Joe or Trumpty Dumpty should be on the ballot, yet they are. I can say Trumpty Dumpty is the lesser Christian of the 2. [quote]Ex: sleeping with a porn star shows bad judgement. Being married three times, divorced twice, and ch...
Is this a new version of the "Dirty Sanchez"?...
I am attracted to the Mary Anne's not the Gingers. I like a woman who is lower maintenance and has less cray cray....
Owl bringing the heater right out of the gate! Lunch = Beans & Rice (so nice) Hello my LT peeps, hope all are well and your critters are healthy and well behaved (Ken you need to get better and less cranky)....
[quote]How this gets downvoted 30 times is concerning.[/quote] It is a Pio thread. Makes sense when you have been here before....
[quote]Honestly, most Americans don’t care about a President’s private life as long as it stays private.[/quote] Thank you for brining up the most important point! :cheers: I would be much happier if we focused on the US debt and less on POTUS sex lives....
[quote]Cheese was telling everyone who would listen to him back in the 1890s that “Everyone lies about sex. This isn’t a big deal.”[/quote] [b]FIFY[/b]...
[quote]So you porked her.[/quote] They were both Hog fans so they were "Makin Bacon" To be fair, if Pio is SpiderMan, I envision this was the female. [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/5800000/spiderpig-spiderpig-5853381-1600-1200.jpg[/img]...
[quote]From PBS[/quote] OK, I see what you are saying. Explain this? (as DJT's signature convinced 12 people of his guilt) [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.F0mExPG0oRi_cMBmov8Y_gHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=308e79381e72de6ef37a...
[quote]You really need to leave your religious beliefs out of a thread[/quote] Why? Can I not hate a sin but embrace the sinner if they seek redemption? [quote]disbarred lawyer who did jail time[/quote] For some of the same crimes DJT was just convicted of. So if the underling does it, t...
[quote]the correct and lawful remedy.[/quote] I can accept this historically but since Ronnie took office in 1980, it has been based on politics and less on the Constitution. Once the "Greed is Good" mantra took over in the 80's, the MBA's have held court, not the politicians....
Clinton = lying Trump = documents If you can not see how these are equal in the eyes of The People then perhaps you should not vote in the Fall and show your bias to 1 side over the other. [quote]leftist talking points[/quote] Please educate me what these are as pretty sure nobody in the...
[quote]Maybe we should vote on who does the best for the country instead of who is the most righteous.[/quote] If we had a POTUS that was 1/2 Nixon and 1/2 Carter I feel they Yin and Yang would be most helpful in running the USA where there is more Grey than Black & White. Who fits that profil...