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Interests:Football, Hunting, Grilling
Number of Posts:13658
Registered on:8/23/2012
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Did they figure out where all those left over bolts went?...
[quote]Does Florida have to abide by NY law?[/quote] Does Florida have to abide by NY law regarding abortion? I think not....
[quote]Jail for what?[/quote] How about her giving classified information to people without proper clearances? She admitted that under oath. She gave the email data from the server in her bathroom to her attorneys for them to remove the personal stuff (Chelseas wedding and her yoga workout sc...
[quote]These laws, claims James, "encourage vigilantes to attend protests armed and ready to shoot and kill those who exercise their First Amendment rights[/quote] Get the hell out of the road. The exercise of free speech should not include a public road. In addition to "stand your ground" la...
[quote]I hope your right but this trial was rigged about as badly as a trial can be. [/quote] Could you imagine the melt if he is found not guilty, even with these liberal leaning jurors and the idiot judge? That melting would be a million times more delicious than Hillarys crowd after she los...
[quote]Spokane residents better hope they never have to apply the brakes suddenly on this stretch of sacred asphalt, lest they end up in federal prison.[/quote] I would just avoid that intersection. Actually I would avoid Spokane....
[quote]He saw me staring at him so when he passed me in the aisle HE RIPPED A FART at me. Was it a bean burrito responsible for his lapse in manners?[/quote] This was probably due to a prolapsed anus....
[quote]If deliberation goes long then it's not good for Trump. [/quote] I disagree. A long deliberation could mean there are jurors who say not guilty and the others are trying to convince them to change to guilty. Hopefully a couple have a backbone and we get a hung jury on these bullshite c...
[quote]Infantry by itself is vulnerable. Armor by itself is vulnerable. Cavalry by itself is vulnerable. Artillery by itself is vulnerable. But when you have infantry, armor, cavalry, and artillery working together in a cohesive team, you’re going to find success. Neither the Russians nor U...

re: Breed of peace strikes again

Posted by alphaandomega on 5/29/24 at 11:28 am
You should have used the edge of the shovel like an axe and chopped that dogs head off....
[quote]I look at the map and see Gaza and the West bank and it's clear to me that Israel should annex all of it and be done with this mess. Claim it and move on.[/quote] I have a vendor who is from Israel and their owner told me years ago he wanted Israel to recognize them both as Palestinia...
[quote]Yeah, I think we have gone way past this point... It is unfortunate but every single time this group has gotten what they want, they move to something else...[/quote] yep. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOgTpk0XgAAQxqc?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
[quote]Masks [/quote] Dont knock it. They are probably covering up a lot of ugly with those masks....
[quote]Stop giving them free shite and they'll self-deport.[/quote] And enforce e-verify. Then fine anyone who employs and illegal $1000 per day per employee. Same fines for anyone to rents an apartment to them, or any bank who transfers money for them (including Western Union). When they ca...
[quote]My flag? And who paid for it is irrelevant, unless the owner is the person damaging the property.[/quote] Would you feel the same if another private entity paid for a confederate battle flag to be painted on the intersection next to the gay pride one?...
[quote]but you won't follow their advice and get a safe and effective vaccine?[/quote] When the vaccine comes out that doesnt cause all kinds of blood clots and other issues I am sure people would consider it. Only an idiot would take a shot that has the potential for all kinds of side effects...
[quote]If the jury hangs with no indication of reconciliation ...And he hasn't ordered Trump in cuffs yet.......Judge better be aware of the possibility of him being in those cuffs soon. Make a Martyr out of Trump .....moron ..... The landslide will be up and down ballot.[/quote] Anyone want ...

re: Crawfish burner question

Posted by alphaandomega on 5/28/24 at 2:47 pm
[quote] Yep. Wrap it when you store it.[/quote] Yep aluminum foil is your friend....
[quote]Can he take Bill Gates with him?[/quote] Im sure George Soros has always wanted to see the Titanic....
I seem to remember him leaving last time....