Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Born on the bayou, baw
Number of Posts:35497
Registered on:11/27/2012
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Ayyyyy, some fight in these baws. Refreshing ...
[quote]We’d be ok if we could hit[/quote] My aunt’s balls would itch if she had some ...
Going to be a fitting way for this season to end ...
[quote]Travinski single handedly killed this team. All year.[/quote] Holy hyperbole...

re: Pearson in 4 hole

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 6/1/24 at 8:53 am
Drop Pearson to 8, move everyone up 1. Trav to protect bear, Milam in 5 hole to drive in runs...

re: Pearson in 4 hole

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 6/1/24 at 8:46 am
[quote]It's a premium position, just play Kling or Brown based on matchup[/quote] What routine plays has Bing missed that Kling wouldn't have? Kling is a better OF for sure, but the difference at the plate is why he isn't playing. Don't want to hear about a good 2-3 week stretch, overall he h...
[quote]beating themselves again clearly[/quote] To be fair, Condon did throw one to Narnia...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 5/31/24 at 12:26 pm
holy shite that was horrific...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 5/31/24 at 12:25 pm
moar pics of her, thanks...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 5/31/24 at 12:23 pm
[quote]the SS is sitting on the 2B side of the bag, why are we refusing to bunt and force the 3B to make a play? [/quote] LSU hasn't been a good bunting team in ages...
[quote]ke others have said Jesse Jackson was also prosecuted but we just ignore the facts we want[/quote] You mean for using campaign funds to buy a Michael Jackson fedora? Totally equal to paying a skank out of you own pocket indirectlly for a legal act...
[quote]are you in all honesty comparing the goddamn holocaust to being vaxed? like when has the left tried to put "pure bloods" in camps? you are making a complete mockery of one of the worst mass genocides in history and not even making a good point or argument in the process. like others have s...
[quote]no other president has had full immunity they just haven't broken the law as blatantly as Trump did to be prosecuted.[/quote] Was it that blatant that they had to try to find a case for 9 years before they finally did? What about the Big Guy?...
[quote]weird how Trump tried to discredit the constitution to overturn the election like a dictator. weird how he thinks a president should have full immunity. it's almost like the monarchy. trump is a dipshit and you stupid frickers want him back in power for him to become a dictator and ru...
[quote]n other words, “Lie to me, Daddy. Hide your sins and treat me like a rube. Even if there’s a law that says you can’t, do it anyway. The alternative is worse.”[/quote] Kinda like "hey FB, Twitter, etc, take down the story about my sons laptop or we'll prosecute you" No?...
[quote]Jfc hahahhaha[/quote] Does it bother you more than Trump paid a sex worker to keep quiet, or that the President showers with underage family members with a hardon? Believe all women, amirite?...
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume none of the names posted post here under the handle SFP...
[quote]Congress and state legislatures create new criminals every single day[/quote] You mean they become criminal when they get elected? Valid...