Favorite team:Louisiana Tech 
Number of Posts:7124
Registered on:6/27/2013
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Exactly. Nobody hates women more than other women. ...
Nobody in sports media has the balls to call out & report on this obvious racism against Clark by the black players as they don't want to risk losing their jobs. This is where we are in America today. ...
Dave Smith is going to urinate on Chris Coumo's corpse when this is over soon. ...
Chris Cuomo is the perfect example of the arrogance of the Trust Fund Ivy League East Coast Elitist who is just now having to act like he can get along with the citizens of the unwashed masses of the fly over states since he was fired by his State Run Media job. I haven't see a vagina pounded th...
I still can't figure out why they fired Paz after a decade of greatness in the band. In Europe they played all of Bossonova & Trompe Le Monde in their entirety. I hope they do it here as I am planning on going to the Irving show. ...
When you combine Spirit Airlines with Baltimore you are for sure going to have some issues. This is not surprising. ...

re: How will you celebrate pride month?

Posted by Hetfield on 5/31/24 at 1:48 pm
I usually celebrate by listening to a lot of Judas Priest. ...
That OU guy who constantly spouted off how great the Thunder were during that series on this board has to be in depression mode right now. ...
Was that Antonio Daniels(Pels color analyst & former player) sitting next to Snoop Dogg courtside?...

re: Democrat's Secret Weapon

Posted by Hetfield on 5/30/24 at 2:43 pm
Swift is for sure going to publicly back the Democratic candidate against Trump. But that Democratic candidate will not be Biden. ...
I would love to know exactly how many dead bodies are in New Orleans area waterways due to the Mafia or other criminal organizations ...

re: This Is Spinal Tap.

Posted by Hetfield on 5/30/24 at 9:30 am
Spinal Tap 2 is being filmed in New Orleans. ...
The media was told to shut down the reporting by the CIA. ...

re: Will Joe Eventually Pardon Hunter?

Posted by Hetfield on 5/28/24 at 10:49 am
There is a theory that they could let him pardon Hunter & then publicly use that as one of the reasons to replace him with Gavin, Michelle, or Stretchin Gretchen. ...
I do like Clay but it is hard to trust a grown male who voted for Obama TWICE & worked for Al Gore. I understand people can get red pilled but this is just next level dumbassery. He was an adult making these decisions ...
Make no mistake, every MLB clubhouse & front office are celebrating tonight. ...
I’m convinced Mayor Pete is a CIA plant. Do a deep dive into his history & career & it is obvious. ...
Is Tony Brothers now the Angel Hernandez of the NBA? ...
I see Charlotte Jones & her boytoy are sitting in the Jones family’s courtside seats next to the Wolves bench. She almost got hit by the errant pass that the ref blew saying it was off Luka. ...