New LSU Women's Basketball coach Kim Mulkey landed in Baton Rouge on Monday morning and was greeted by athletic director Scott Woodward, football coach Ed Orgeron, basketball coach Will Wade, baseball coach Paul Mainieri, and several others.

Mulkey will hold an introductory press conference on Monday at the PMAC at 5 pm.

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luciouslou45 months
Everybody is in suits, and coach O is rocking those shorts like a boss
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Choupiqueboy45 months
Boss with arms crossed! Sitting Boss. Paradox!!
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CanebreakCajun45 months
That blazer Wade has on..... damn.
user avatar
TigerinKorea45 months
That's a smart blazer.
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blizzle45 months
strong arse pattern
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DesertCajun45 months
WW made her a damn strong offer
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LesnarF545 months
WW rocking that purple checked sport coat!
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pecanridge45 months
How pimptastic is that?
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Train is comin45 months
Great pics
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double d45 months
I guess ya’ll will be renaming the P-Mac to the P-Mulk.
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1945 months
Double-Wide forgot his username and password, had to re-invent hisself: Inbreeding from a single-celled gene pool.
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OGTiger45 months
Neck hug with no mask? What is the world coming to?? LOL!
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TBoy45 months
Dats why de got da shot!
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TopWaterTiger 45 months
that the infamous LSU jet?? Surprised they let anyone photo it.
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dragginass45 months
Yep. That's the one that was at KBTR Friday.
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ByUselves45 months
She didn't get too close to O! Love all the purple on display, she is getting the royal treatment, just as it should be...
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kywildcatfanone45 months
Will we get a pic of her in bed with O and the teenager?
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1945 months
Kentucky. lol
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Pedro45 months
Damn so thats where my private jet went
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LSUDAN145 months
Mulkey & Wade. I can't get aby harder. Those two can take over the conference.
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kywildcatfanone45 months
Which one of you is photoshopping carpet colors?
user avatar
I think the red carpet one is pre-departure.
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DaTiger45 months
You got to love this Coach!
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Epaminondas45 months
They let Paul Mainieri show up? Why?
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Nix to Twillie45 months
We all know his time’s up, but he still has some hardware.
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Bestbank Tiger45 months
He was Kramer's coach. And helped recruit Kim.
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1945 months
The Bartlett Gangsta rockin that jacket.
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tFearIsReal45 months
Wade looks pearrific.
user avatar
Tigrdynasty45 months
whole lotta white priv happening in those pics
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