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45 Years Ago Outlaw Josey Wales Was Released....
Posted on 8/15/21 at 8:46 pm
Posted on 8/15/21 at 8:46 pm
And that movie gets better the older it gets. I may be bias because Clint Eastwood is my favorite actor and I love his movies but Josey Wales is the best damn western made since it came out.
"The hell with them fellas...Buzzards gotta eat..same as worms."

"The hell with them fellas...Buzzards gotta eat..same as worms."
This post was edited on 8/15/21 at 8:48 pm
Posted on 8/15/21 at 8:59 pm to HoboDickCheese
So many good scenes from that movie!!!!

Posted on 8/15/21 at 9:10 pm to Dawgirl
I ain’t promisin’ ya nothin’ extra
Posted on 8/15/21 at 9:11 pm to Dawgirl
Great movie. Great actor. I just found out he did his own stunts/climbing in the Eiger Sanction. Stunts so dangerous one professional climber died while filming and another was seriously injured.
Eiger Sanction
Eiger Sanction
Posted on 8/15/21 at 11:57 pm to Dawgirl
Josey Wales: Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
Posted on 8/16/21 at 12:02 am to Dawgirl
"We have a thing called the Missourah Boatride"...
Posted on 8/16/21 at 8:13 am to Dawgirl
45 Years Ago
frick I'm old....
Posted on 8/16/21 at 11:46 am to FightinTigersDammit
If he could hit the line at the ferry, why not hit the head Red-Leg?
Great movie!
Great movie!
Posted on 8/16/21 at 1:47 pm to TigersnJeeps
Why not just cut the rope on his bank?
Posted on 8/16/21 at 4:22 pm to Dawgirl
You damn fools! Ten Bears gonna want him a fresh woman. Fresh, that little gal will bring ten, maybe twelve horses. Now, if one of you has to, you can take that old woman over there. She might be worth one donkey.
Posted on 8/16/21 at 5:03 pm to Dawgirl
People claim that Eastwood broke the Western mold with "Unforgiven" (the Western that broke the Camel's back.)
But Unforgiven despite it's overall ambiguous muddling of white hat/black hat is actually storywise a very traditional Western. Josey Wales is not. It's an outlier in the genre.
But Unforgiven despite it's overall ambiguous muddling of white hat/black hat is actually storywise a very traditional Western. Josey Wales is not. It's an outlier in the genre.
Posted on 8/16/21 at 5:15 pm to mauser
Why not just cut the rope on his bank?
Then they could have used the rope and pulled back to the side. Cutting it in the middle meant they were at the mercy of the current and would take time to get to the shore. More head start.
Posted on 8/16/21 at 9:51 pm to junior
Eiger Sanction

I was 14 when that movie came out. Brenda Venus' boobs were spectacular.
Posted on 8/17/21 at 12:33 pm to Linoge
Lone Watie : That meal was damn good. I'm gonna take up teepee livin' if it's like this. You know she thinks I'm some kind of a Cherokee chief.
Josey Wales : I wonder where she ever got that idea.
Lone Watie : I'm gettin' better at sneaking up on you like this. Only an Indian can do something like this.
Josey Wales : That's what I figured.
Lone Watie : You figured?
Josey Wales : Only an Indian could do something like that.
[Lone Watie hears a gun cock behind him; turns and sees Moonlight]
Lone Watie : It's not right; this damn woman doing something like this to me. I used to have power. Now old age is creeping up on me.
Josey Wales : More like old habits than old age.
Lone Watie was hilarious!
This post was edited on 8/17/21 at 12:39 pm
Posted on 8/17/21 at 8:08 pm to Dawgirl
I’m a big Joe Kidd fan personally. And, of course, the man with no name series.
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