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re: FYI - Albertson's Prime Brisket

Posted by BugAC on 5/27/24 at 9:50 am
[quote]went to the one on Highland/Airline and there were only 4[/quote] I picked up 2 from over there during the sale. They didn’t have any in the case but they had a bunch in the back. Just have to ask....

re: FBD - Memorial Sunday

Posted by BugAC on 5/26/24 at 8:15 pm
2BD: Big Czuck [img]https://i.imgur.com/w8VzR3T.jpeg[/img] 3BD: David Helleshoff (Homebrew) [img]https://i.imgur.com/CmVk9ds.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]Talk to anyone in the Lake Charles area about getting screwed over by insurers on Hurricane damage claims...[/quote] Funny thing about insurance claims. It helps to pay for the coverage that you want to make a claim for. ...

re: FBD - Memorial Sunday

Posted by BugAC on 5/26/24 at 6:18 pm
FBD: Lil Czuck [img]https://i.imgur.com/QoaAaWG.jpeg[/img]...
I put an old towel over the sack and hose down the towel/sack every once in awhile. I usually try to keep them in the shade....
[quote]The goal is to win the election. Trump would be foolish to alienate Haley or her supporters at this juncture.[/quote] While i agree, there is a giant pile of hypocrisy the OnlyTrumpFans have to stomach regarding their lies they spread about DeSantis....
[quote]which will capture the life of the man whose murder in 2020 sparked a global racial reckoning and fueled the movement against police brutali[/quote] I wonder if they'll put the part where he robbed a pregnant woman and put a gun to her stomach? Or that time he was arrested for assault a...
[quote]Obama. He started all this shite.[/quote] Soros has been playing "kingmaker" far longer than Obama. In fact, Obama is completely inconsequential when you consider the sheer amount of leftist/marxists that Soros has put in positions of power....
[quote]first order of business is to call an election,bullshite to have your aldermen appointed.[/quote] Hey genius, Governor appoints interim positions for any new city. There will be an election, eventually, but first the details of the city have to be worked out and off and running....
[quote]Giantkiller[/quote] Are you just mad our right to self determination is being realized? Sorry your lawsuits failed. Better luck next time. :lol:...
[quote] A 6’5” black lesbian with dyed braids is not as marketable to white audiences as Caitlin Clark and Cameron Brink. It’s Marketing 101.[/quote] It's pretty ironic that the people who don't want diversity in Women's basketball and demand white players give reparations to black players, are a...
[quote]. Remember Yosemite Sam? ".... son, I say son... you're about as sharp as a bowling ball".[/quote] That was Foghorn Leghorn [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwallpapercave.com%2Fwp%2FmI9aRae.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=fc4d26c9e5c613b1202eb1eb72fae76c8d1b1bdc4e1281...

re: Jeff Landry in trial lawyers pocket

Posted by BugAC on 5/23/24 at 12:45 pm
[quote]Trial lawyers get all the blame when what the state is really doing is padding the pockets of the insurance industry.[/quote] Explain....

re: Jeff Landry in trial lawyers pocket

Posted by BugAC on 5/23/24 at 12:43 pm
[quote]Carlos the Tiger[/quote] I sure wish you would have posted these threads when Edwards was in office....
[quote]You don't think it's problematic that a white person is more marketable than a black person?[/quote] No. Why would it be?...
[quote]"There’s plenty of room to highlight and celebrate Caitlin Clark’s popularity while also discussing ways in which to not erase Black women from a league that they have built and continue to build," Hill said.[/quote] So racist Hill just wants to segregate basketball? Whatever happened to d...
[quote]How do you figure?[/quote] Because America projecting weakness is a deterrent to no one....

re: Fauci Advisor Hearing

Posted by BugAC on 5/22/24 at 3:28 pm
[quote]Odd to see Ds and R's aligned and calling him to the floor. [/quote] Because he's dispensable. He's the fall guy for Fauci....
[quote]Which is pretty silly considering a large chunk of Marvel’s best characters didn’t make an appearance during the Infinity Saga.[/quote] Yeah, i really missed out on she-hulk, Lady Hawkeye, Eternals, The Marvels.... :lol:...
[quote]A) Yes, someone should ask him to clarify his current views on voter ID[/quote] It's pretty clear. He's a leftist. [quote]B) He’s changed his mind on the gun debate like millions of Americans did during Covid.[/quote] Link? [quote]C) Yeah he’s clarified himself on affirmative acti...